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Xinjiekou, you can always be new


When it comes to Nanjing, it must be said that Xinjiekou. It seems that the development of Nanjing’s commerce has been nailed to Xinjiekou for many years. The structure of this traditional core CBD is usually less prone to radical change.
○However, I noticed that some significant changes have been taking place recently around the Meiwa Corridor, which I frequent.
○ Open the map and see, it turns out that the southwest quadrant of Xinjiekou has indeed had a lot of noteworthy movements in recent years, and gradually revealed some interesting clues, it is time to update the impression of Nanjing’s business.01

A new atmosphere is taking shape in Nantai Lane
○As a well-known commercial center in the country, Xinjiekou has a long history of development. In the past, when we talked about Xinjiekou, we mostly focused on shopping malls with considerable volumes and different themes, but just from the name of Xinjiekou, we can show its origin.
○It is said that during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, the place name of Xinjiekou appeared, which was originally a street between Tangfang Bridge and Mingwa Corridor. The neighborhood is the background color of Xinjiekou.
○In the southwest quadrant of Xinjiekou, Shigu Road, Wangfu Street, Nantai Lane, Fengfu Road and other lanes together form a very vibrant Pannantai Lane area, compared with the horizontal and vertical streets and alleys of Zhongshan East Road and Zhongshan Road, which may better represent the original face of Xinjiekou.
○Based on this characteristic, it is not difficult to understand why Alimentari Grande chose to locate its first store in Nanjing on Shigu Road, after all, the word Alimentari means “street grocery store in Italy”. The first store of Zhengtan Fried Chicken in Nanjing, which is popular all over the country, also attracts food lovers from all over the city to check in.
○In addition to the successive entry of the first store, Shigu Road also gathers treasure stores such as the online celebrity bakery SPONGE Sponge Kitchen and the American restaurant ROOMMATE, which has been selected as a must-eat list, making it gradually transform from a traditional street shop gathering place in the public’s impression to a new popular food gathering place and lifestyle check-in place, and become a must-choose route for Nanjing Citywalk.

○At the intersection of Shigu Road and Wangfu Street, you will walk a few steps to The Sauce’s store, which is a cocktail specialty ceiling for many drinkers. COMING TO ZHENG’S CLOTHES SHOP, one step away, is like traveling back in time to the United States movie of the last century.

○Walking east from Wangfu Street, Bar be cute is located in Nantai Lane, and its unique name, vinyl style and clarification liquor are unique in Nanjing. Lè CHAOS and Pencil Coffee, with their warm and unobtrusive ambience and creative food pairing, have become the first choice for Bistro.○Continue eastward to Fubo-ro, where the White Pigeon Used Camera Shop and the 43rd Sunset Café are located, and the three-story Nijo Shop has become a symbol of local life.

2Lifestyle and innovation for the new generation
○There are so many treasure shops that it is difficult to name them one by one, but it is not difficult to feel the vitality and vitality of the business in Nantai Lane. This spontaneous emergence of vitality and vitality essentially comes from the in-depth insight into Nanjing’s urban consumption and the accurate judgment of future business trends.
○ Xinjiekou, as the commercial center of Nanjing, is to some extent the condensation of consumption in the entire city of Nanjing. At a time when the younger generation is rising and has more right to speak, the yearning for a freer and more relaxed consumption scene, the desire to express oneself and find the same kind of spiritual needs, has gradually become the new mainstream.
○The open space and free business hours of the block undoubtedly give the brand more space to show its personality and play freely, and the complementary needs between it and the shopping center also directly contribute to the sharing of passenger flow and staggered consumption between each other, and realize the instant match with the owner brand and emerging brands.
○Compared with the chain brands in the shopping center, the brand owners of Nantai Lane are generally younger, and have an international vision or professional precipitation, choose to create a corner of their own in the bustling city center, and through full personality expression and product display, complete the new combination of Nanjing’s commercial center + Internet celebrity market.
○ In the vertical and horizontal history of Qianmo, fresh flesh and blood of the new era have grown. Since then, Xinjiekou has not only bought and bought, but also the innovation of lifestyle and the new generation, which is worth re-acknowledging.

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