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When the sea breeze blows into Nanjing, which is not near the sea

sea breeze blows into Nanjing

When the sea breeze blows into Nanjing, which is not near the sea
Jiangsu is striving to build a strong maritime province. On June 6, the main event of the 2024 World Oceans Day and National Ocean Publicity Day in Jiangsu kicked off at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology.

A few days before the event, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Natural Resources and the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources launched an Ocean Day Walking Campaign, which started at the Bao Shipyard Ruins Park. As the shipbuilding place and starting point of Zheng He’s Age of Discovery, Nanjing is reshaping its new status as a sea-seeking power in the new era by relying on the natural advantages of “connecting rivers to the sea”.

The inland river port was the third in the country in April

Nanjing’s marine economy has made new achievements

Nanjing is the junction of the “T” shaped economic development strategic belt along the Yangtze River and the coast, the intersection of the east-west Yangtze River waterway and the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, the main artery of the north and south, and the port of Nanjing is also the only port in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to realize the seamless connection of water-rail intermodal transport, which is the advantage of Nanjing’s development of marine economy.

In the marine economy industry, the output value of the transportation industry accounts for almost half of the country. According to the Nanjing maritime department, in 2018, the 12.5-meter deep-water channel below Nanjing of the Yangtze River was fully connected, and the water depth of the Nanjing channel was increased from 10.5 meters to 12.5 meters. So far, the port of Nanjing has changed from a “river port” to a “seaport”.

More than 10 days ago, a sea vessel slowly sailed from the Xinshengwei port area of Nanjing Port to Brazil, which is the first ship in Nanjing to leave the port with a draft of 11.6 meters. In January this year, a Brazilian grain ship entered the port of Nanjing, setting a new record for the largest draft ship entering the port since the opening of the port. One in and one out, marking that the draft of ships entering and leaving Nanjing Port has been increased to 11.6 meters, and Nanjing has entered the era of “deep water for large ships”.

In order to open up the marine economy logistics channel, Nanjing has built four public port areas of Longtan, Xiba, Tongjing and Qiba in recent years, as well as supporting highways, railways and port logistics parks, with a total investment of 45 billion yuan. According to the “2023 Nanjing Marine Economic Development Report”, the cargo throughput of Nanjing Hong Kong was 276 million tons last year, an increase of 1.6% year-on-year. The container throughput reached 3.46 million TEUs, an increase of 8.1% year-on-year. The marine economy has handed over a report card of steady progress.

In the Ministry of Transport released from January to April, the national port cargo and container throughput statistical table, Nanjing Port cargo throughput completed 87.43 million tons, of which the foreign trade cargo throughput increased by 14.5%. The container throughput was 1.2 million TEUs, an increase of 8.1%. The cargo and container throughput ranked third in the country among inland ports, showing the development potential of Nanjing’s marine economy.

No. 1 in the world

Nanjing’s marine economy has broken out of the new blue ocean

There are many categories of marine economy industry, and the marine shipbuilding industry is still an important supporting force for the city’s marine economy.

Recently, China Merchants Industry Nanjing Jinling Shipyard has won another order for four methanol dual-fuel vehicle ro-ro ships from the world’s largest car carrier company. According to the data of Clarkson, a world-renowned shipping consulting agency, excluding the latest 4 ships, Nanjing Jinling Shipyard’s car carrier hand-held orders reached 30, ranking first in the world. In 2023, a total of 129 ships of various types will be traded in the city, with a transaction value of 267 million yuan.

Marine scientific research is also Nanjing’s unique advantage. As the provincial capital, Nanjing is home to more than half of the province’s marine management public institutions and two-thirds of the university. In the activities of the day, 8 sea-related universities such as Nanjing University and Hohai University signed a contract with 8 enterprises and institutions such as the Provincial Marine Geological Survey and Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve for technology transformation and cooperation. Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology is building the world’s largest rotating pool with a diameter of 14 meters, which will provide an advanced experimental platform for exploring physical processes in the ocean and atmosphere.

The surge of scientific and technological innovation in production, education and research has boosted Nanjing’s marine economy to break out of the new blue ocean and stimulate new kinetic energy of new quality productivity.
Towards the first phalanx of districts and cities along the riverNanjing plans to build a highland for marine science and technology innovationIn 2023, the output value of Jiangsu’s marine economy will be 960.69 billion yuan. The GDP is the second in the country, and the marine economy ranks sixth in the coastal provinces. Such confusion also exists in Nanjing, as the second largest city in the province in terms of GDP, Nanjing’s marine economy does not match the status of the province’s total economy.

Focusing on the shortcomings and weaknesses, the city issued the “14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Marine Economy in Nanjing”, planning to form a marine economic development belt with the Yangtze River as the axis, and build a number of marine industry agglomeration areas such as the Nanjing Seaport Hub Economic Area and the Nanjing Yangtze River International Shipping and Logistics Service Center Area.

According to the plan, by 2035, Nanjing’s marine economic strength will rank first in the province’s districts and cities along the Yangtze River, and its marine science and technology innovation capacity will rank among the top cities in the Yangtze River Delta.

Driven by the “development of new quality productivity according to local conditions”, Nanjing will focus on building an advanced marine manufacturing industry coordinated by land and sea, cultivate a modern marine service industry that develops to the sea, accelerate the construction of a modern marine industry system with Nanjing characteristics, and build a marine science and technology innovation highland along the Yangtze River Economic Belt and even the Pan-Yangtze River Delta region in the province.

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