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Three arrows flew into the sky

Three arrows flew into the sky

On the business negotiation table, projects such as the Qianfan Constellation Satellite Communication Payload Headquarters with a total investment of more than 3 billion yuan have been implemented one after another;

On the construction site of major projects, a number of projects such as AVIC Nanjing Electromechanical and AECC Nanjing Light Motion have been …… construction at full speed

As a 32-year-old state-level economic development zone, Jiangning Development Zone has accelerated the development of new quality productivity according to local conditions, anchored the new track of “aerospace industry” to expand its industrial territory this year, and launched “three arrows” in the three major fields of aviation, aerospace and low altitude to build an ecosystem of “full airspace and all industries”.

Striving to “soar to the sky”

The “aerospace industry” project has been accelerated

On April 24, the signing ceremony of Century Space’s Yangtze River Delta Headquarters Base project in Purple Mountain Science and Technology City, Jiangning Development Zone, was held in Beijing. The project is jointly built by Purple Mountain Science and Technology City and 21st Century Space Technology Application Co., Ltd., and will build spatial information infrastructure such as the Yangtze River Delta satellite remote sensing “data lake” and digital twin base. Cross-innovation research on satellite 3D reality and other technologies, and carry out key technology research such as 6G satellite-ground fusion satellite application system.

Also in the Jiangning Development Zone, there is also a total investment of more than 3 billion yuan in the Qianfan Constellation Satellite Communication Payload Headquarters Project. The project will provide broadband communication, Internet access, navigation enhancement, IoT collection and other services for the global operation of commercial low-orbit satellite constellations, and develop and produce a full range of communication equipment for low-orbit satellite communication payloads, core networks, spaceborne base stations, ground base stations, test terminals, feeds and routing systems. Shanghai Yuanxin Satellite Technology Co., Ltd., as the main body of the construction and operation of the “Thousand Sails Constellation” project, will be responsible for the overall system scheme and technical system design, project implementation management, global market operation and international cooperation.

It is expected that throughout this year, the output value of the aviation manufacturing track in Jiangning Development Zone alone will exceed 12 billion yuan.Adapt to local conditions

Forging the “first-mover advantage” into a “new growth pole”

The aerospace industry is the “traditional strength” of Jiangning Development Zone, and its largest sub-platform, Nanjing Airport Development Zone (Jiangning), is an important “wing” of Nanjing Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, ranking first in the country in terms of aviation electromechanical system research and development and technical strength, and is also an important supply base for key products and services of domestic large aircraft C919.

At present, Jiangning Development Zone has gathered more than 30 aviation R&D and manufacturing enterprises, of which 9 are C919 suppliers, such as AVIC Nanjing Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. undertakes the research and development of the three major systems of domestic large aircraft hydraulics, fuel and environmental control, Ruihan Aviation Components Co., Ltd. is the main manufacturer of C919 environmental control pipelines, and Nanjing Hangpeng Aviation System Equipment Co., Ltd. is mainly C919, COMAC ARJ21 new regional jet provides fuel, hydraulic system and other supporting equipment ……Leading enterprises have formed a huge driving effect in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and have made every effort to break through the “blue sky track”.


The journey of the “star” in the sky has been fully opened

The “aerospace industry” has a wide range of extensions, involving technology research and development, manufacturing, application and services in aerospace, near space and other fields, and the core of its development lies in the integration of upstream and downstream industrial chains.

According to the “Three-year Action Plan for the Airport Industry of Jiangning Development Zone”, the goal of the park is to rely on the agglomeration advantages of central enterprise projects such as AVIC Nanjing Electromechanical and AECC Nanjing Light Action, and the strong scientific research advantages of universities such as China Southern Aviation University and 609 Institutes, focusing on aviation airborne systems, aero engines, civil aircraft MRO, general aviation low-altitude flight and other industries, accurately attracting investment, strengthening the industrial chain, and striving to create a national aviation industry base.

April 14 of this year

The park is promoting the “aerospace industry”

There has been another big move in the integration of production, education and research

Jiangning Development Zone, together with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, launched the construction of the “Southern Airlines Science and Technology Innovation Belt”, with a total planned area of about 10 square kilometers, and strives to radiate and drive 20 billion yuan of new industries in five years. One of the main directions of the innovation belt is to seize new fields and new tracks such as aerospace and low-altitude economy. On the same day, led by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 14, 29, 504, AVIC Optoelectronics and other units jointly built the “Tian Yuan Laboratory” announced the establishment, which will promote the deep integration of scientific and technological achievements and industries for the new generation of mobile communications, satellite communications and deep space exploration, aerospace and other fields.

Since ancient times, it has been the unremitting pursuit of human dreams, and now, the aerospace industry derived from the dream of flying has become an important force for cultivating new quality productivity in Jiangning Development Zone.

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