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This “port” is worth seeing!

Recently, the Liuhe Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port Aerospace Industrial Park exhibited a chip that is 1/4 the size of a fingernail. Because the surface is wrapped with a new composite material made of diamond, the heat dissipation performance has been greatly improved. With this independent core technology, Nanjing Ruiwei’s new material project research and development team successfully solved the “stuck neck” problem of efficient chip heat dissipation.

Gathering major innovation platforms

Incubate technology companies

Deepen school-local integration

Liuhe Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port


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Liuhe District was the first in the province to propose

Build an industrial science and technology innovation port

Construction will start in 2020

Gathering industries with “port”

Building a nest in a garden to attract phoenixes

After more than 3 years of exploration and practice

“University + Industry + Park”

The integrated development model is increasingly clear

It is reported that focusing on new energy, intelligent manufacturing equipment, energy-saving and environmentally friendly new materials and the main direction of the aerospace “3+1” industry, Liuhe Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port has introduced 4 major innovation platforms, including 2 national key laboratories , and central enterprises There are 4 joint campus-site laboratories and 53 talent and industrialization projects .

At the “501 Science and Technology Innovation Industry Belt” in Liuhe District

Taking the lead of Liuhe Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port

The layout of “one port, two cities and six districts” has been formed

More than 1.2 million square meters along the line

The construction of scientific and technological innovation carriers has been launched one after another

  • Up to now, major projects such as Nanjing Aerospace Industrial Park, Zhongnan Smart Valley, and Wanyang Public Innovation City have been completed and put into use, with a total construction area of ​​nearly 800,000 square meters ;
  • Major projects such as China Southern International Innovation Port Phase I, Liuhe Intelligent Innovation City, CNC Machine Tool Industrial Park, Linde Optoelectronics Industrial Park, China University of Mining and Technology Alumni Economic Park, and Xinhua Education Group Jiangsu Vocational Education Industrial Park are accelerating construction .

Nanjing Aerospace Industrial Park

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Nanjing Aerospace Industrial Park is located in the aerospace industry area of ​​the Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port. It mainly hosts the Liuhe Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port China Southern Airlines Campus Cooperation Project. It has a total construction area of ​​190,000 square meters, 21 standardized factories, and complete software and hardware.

Since its completion and opening last year, the park has settled in Nanjing Yangtze Industrial Technology Research Institute, Jiangtuo Technology, Zhongke Bidun, Weiyu Intelligent Equipment, Zhonghe Aviation Technology, Shanhang Intelligent Technology, Hangpu Guochuang Composite Materials Research Institute, etc. units and enterprises.

More importantly, two national key laboratories in the fields of aerospace and intelligent manufacturing have been established here , achieving a breakthrough in local “national importance”. The first four industrialization projects, including the Jiangsu Advanced Composite Materials Technology and Equipment Manufacturing Innovation Center and the China Southern Green Intelligent Manufacturing Technology and Equipment Research Institute led by academicians, have also been put into substantial operation.

Liuhe Smart City

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Liuhe Intelligent Innovation City is located in the Digital Intelligence Integration Industry Area of ​​the Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port. It focuses on building a multi-functional and complex ecological green technology park to serve subsequent projects in the Nanjing Aerospace Industrial Park. It is planned to be completed and put into use in 2024 .

China Southern Airlines International Innovation Port Phase I

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The first phase of the China Southern Airlines International Innovation Port is located in the Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port Research and Education Park area, focusing on building “four major innovation industrial parks” including intelligent manufacturing, aerospace technology, new energy and new materials, and industry-education integration . At present, the first single building has been completed on some plots. The top of the building has been capped and it is planned to be delivered for use in 2025.

China University of Mining and Technology Alumni Economic Park

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The China University of Mining and Technology Alumni Economic Park is located in the Longpao Industrial Area of ​​the Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port. It focuses on building a “1+2+N” industrial system and builds around dual-carbon buildings and intelligent manufacturing, new energy and advanced energy storage, and emergency and safety R&D offices. .

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Now, in Liuhe

Representing new productive forces

“New” industries take advantage of the trend

high-tech manufacturing

Climbing to a higher place

Liuhe Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Port

It will drive the continuous improvement of local comprehensive development capabilities.

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An accelerator for your business development, helping you to quickly integrate into the Lishui economy.


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