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The old factory building is also rolled up! The exterior of the office building, the heart of the industry

factory building

The exterior
of an office building

The heart of industry

This belongs to the new riverside area of Yuhua

It used to be an old industrial area with low land yield

Today, it’s a place to be

Yuhua Wisdom Valley Industrial Park

Minimalist glass exterior cladding

It makes you feel like you’re in the heart of the city’s commercial district

How to accelerate the promotion of new industrialization? By revitalizing the stock of land resources, building high-quality building industrial carriers, and promoting the integrated development of digital and real, the local government has explored a practical path of “new urban industry”.
Improving the quality of the “old factory”Seek benefits from the stock of land

In 2019, a report released by the Nanjing Yuhua Economic Development Zone pointed out that “the park was initially an industrial concentration area, and the output per unit area of land was low”, pointing out the development crossroads faced by the city’s “industrial rust belt”.

During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, Yuhuatai District put forward the strategy of “building a ‘new riverside’ and building a ‘digital city'”. Yuhua New Binjiang includes the Yuhua Economic Development Zone and three streets, covering a total area of about 59.39 square kilometers, including 80% of the developable land in Yuhuatai District, more than half of which is stock renewal land. In 2022, the Yuhua New Binjiang Development and Construction Headquarters will be established, and the regional planning and construction will be officially launched – how to change cages for birds, improve quality and efficiency, test patience and wisdom.

About 3 kilometers southeast of Yuhua Wisdom Valley Industrial Park, No. 9 Workshop, which has been in operation for two years, is building a new urban industrial demonstration park focusing on electronic information assembly and intelligent manufacturing industries, with an enterprise occupancy rate of more than 90%, and has been awarded the “Nanjing Urban Industrial Demonstration Park”.

On the second floor of the company, more than 300 workers are producing precision electronic products. In the past, it was rented out as a warehouse, filled with construction consumables such as lime and steel bars. Today, the tax contribution of this old factory has increased from two or three million yuan at the beginning to 25 million yuan last year, an increase of about 10 times in two years.

“With the right factory for industrial enterprises, landlords get 20% more rental profits per year, and the park activates the value of the land.” According to the person in charge of investment promotion in Workshop 9, a move is a win-win situation for all three parties.

The low-efficiency hat making plant was rented out as a whole, and the newly listed Digital Intelligence Industrial Park introduced aviation and smart grid projects, with an output value of 18 million yuan in 10 months; Focusing on intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, artificial intelligence and other industries, Nanjing OVU Yuhua Zhigu, which has been built with a total investment of 10 billion yuan, has been implemented at full speed and has recently completed the signing of the contract……

Last year, the Yuhua New Binjiang Development and Construction Headquarters completed the systematic combing of inefficient land in the area and formed a database of inefficient industrial land; Comprehensive use of repossession and re-transfer, change and re-production, grafting and re-development, investment and reuse and other means, a new path of “revitalizing stock” to “development increment” has been created.The exterior of an office buildingThe heart of industry

In 2020, Nanjing will issue a new urban industrial industry index to the main urban area, of which the industrial scale of Yuhuatai District will reach 14 billion yuan, accounting for the highest proportion.

The main urban area is at a premium, and “industrial upstairs” has become one of the options. According to the general manager of the Liandong U Valley Project, the operating enterprise of Yuhua Wisdom Valley Industrial Park, the comprehensive land price of the industrial park is three times that of general industrial land, and the average tax per mu should reach 800,000 yuan, which is much higher than the standard of 500,000 yuan per mu of general industrial land.

To this end, the industrial park has designed an “office building-style” multi-storey factory building, with a floor area ratio of more than 2.0, which is twice that of an ordinary industrial park, which can accommodate more industrial enterprises and dilute the rent. In order to meet the load standard of “industrial equipment upstairs”, the load-bearing capacity of each floor is more than twice that of general office buildings, which can be described as “the appearance of office buildings and the heart of industry”.

In a conference room in Yuhua Wisdom Valley Industrial Park, the business manager of Nanjing Feijian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. opened the curtains, and the dust-free workshop came into view – the 4th floor of the “office building” actually hid a display panel maintenance center with an annual output value of more than 30 million yuan.

In the past, Feijian Electronics was located in the suburbs of Nanjing, and with the increase in the proportion of head customers, the problem became more and more prominent – the elevator width was not enough, and the large display panel was difficult to enter and exit; The working space is insufficient, the office area and the production area are mixed, and the dust-free level is difficult to meet customer needs; The remote geographical location cannot retain young people.

After the industrial park began to attract investment, Feijian Electronics moved in, and the rent was only 120,000 yuan more in a year, but it solved the development pain point at one time.

In Yuhua New Binjiang, such new industrial carriers are constantly filled, providing a solid foundation for the goal of “comprehensive innovation and global high-tech” in Yuhuatai District. In recent years, there have been 2 new national-level specialized, special and new “little giant” enterprises, 9 provincial-level specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises, and 9 industrial enterprises above designated size.Where is the industry headed?Embrace digitalization

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to “improve the system and mechanism for the development of new productive forces according to local conditions” and “improve the system for promoting the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy”.

Yuhua New Binjiang is adjacent to China (Nanjing) Software Valley, which is also part of Yuhuatai District, which generated 281 billion yuan in software business revenue last year, accounting for about 20% of the whole province.

However, “until a few years ago, the development of the digital industry was not as good as that of the ‘star neighbors’, and the growth of traditional industries slowed down. The relevant person in charge of the Yuhua New Binjiang Development and Construction Headquarters pointed out the problems faced by many urban “old industrial areas”.

Many enterprises in the area have explored a solution to the problem. Nanjing Hongyi Electric Automation Co., Ltd. developed the “Coal Mine Power Grid Anti-Tripping System Based on Network Intelligent Identification”, which solves a number of safety technical problems in the coal mining industry, with a revenue of over 100 million yuan and a net profit of nearly 20 million yuan last year.

“Digitalization brings efficiency, and the real industry provides scale.” The general manager of the company believes that the digital transformation of traditional industries is a broad track.

In June this year, Jiangsu Province officially launched a strategic emerging industry fund with a total scale of 50 billion yuan, of which the “Jiangsu Software and Information Services (Nanjing) Industry Special Fund of Funds” with a scale of 6 billion yuan includes the industrial chain investment layout of industrial software.

Efforts have been made to promote new industrialization, and the “old industrial zone” in the main city is being reborn. Yuhua New Binjiang adheres to the “combination of software and hardware, digital and real integration”, focuses on the “1+2” leading industrial system and four application scenarios, concentrates on attracting new urban industries and advanced manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing associated with the software and information service industry, and cultivates new quality productivity; Last year, 43 new projects of more than 100 million yuan were signed, with a total investment of 27.02 billion yuan, accounting for more than 40% of the whole area of Yuhuatai.

The “old industrial area” has been reborn

Yuhua new Binjiang embarked on a journey

Let’s look forward to more exciting moments together

Happens here~

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