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The new progress of the construction of the first phase of Line 9 (Gulou section) is coming!

Line 9

The first phase of the continuation of Line 9 will carry out civil construction in an all-round way, and track laying and station installation construction will be carried out in some sections. Up to now, the construction of 15 new stations has been started and the enclosure structure has been completed, of which 12 stations have completed the main structure. 27 shield tunnels were launched, of which 22 were through.

Siping Road Square Station of Line 9 Phase I

The bottom plate of the main structure was successfully closed

Recently, the last bottom plate of the main structure of the first phase of Line 9 Siping Road Square Station has been poured, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent construction of the main structure.

Siping Road Square Station is located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Jianning Road and Daqiao South Road, and is arranged on the north side of Jianning Road in the east-west direction. The station is a three-storey underground island station, with a double-column three-span box-shaped frame structure, which is constructed by the open-cut method, and the total length of the station is 153.25m.

Siping Road Square Station is located in the floodplain area of the Yangtze River, with complex geology, the upper part of the foundation pit is a soft stratum of silt and silt, and the lower part of the rock surface is undulating and changeable. The station is adjacent to the east extension project of Jianning West Road cross-river channel, based on the characteristics of the close construction of the foundation pit of both sides, in order to ensure the safe excavation of the foundation pit, the earthwork excavation plan is strictly implemented on site, and the monitoring is strengthened in time. Nanjing Metro scientifically organized the on-site construction process, adjusted the operation time, overcame many unfavorable factors such as continuous high temperature and construction site limitations, and successfully completed the sealing of the foundation pit structure floor as planned. The smooth closure of the main body floor of Siping Road Square Station not only improves the stability of the foundation pit, but also creates favorable conditions for the subsequent construction of the main structure.

Line 9 Phase I Xiaguan Station ~ Baiyunting Station section

The communication channel was successfully completed

Recently, with the completion of the concrete pouring of the pump room, the construction of the first phase of Line 9 Xiaguan Station ~ Baiyunting Station (hereinafter referred to as the “Xiabai section”) contact channel and sewage pumping station has been successfully completed.

The total length of the Xiabai section is 814m, with 1 contact channel and sewage pumping station, and the structural form adopts initial spray anchor support + reinforced concrete mold lining. The liaison channel is located directly below Rehe South Road, and the geology of the interval is the silty soft soil layer of the Yangtze River floodplain, the formation soil is weak, and the construction is difficult, and the construction adopts the process of “horizontal freezing reinforcement in the cave + mine excavation method”.

Nanjing Metro shall do a good job in the demonstration of the special construction plan and the verification of key node conditions before excavation in strict accordance with the relevant regulations. Since the excavation of the contact channel, Nanjing Metro has gone deep into the front line with all the participating parties, strictly followed the 24-hour duty system, reported the construction process information on time every day, and strictly abided by the principles of short excavation, strong support, fast closure and diligent measurement, which finally ensured the safe completion of the contact channel and laid a good foundation for the follow-up track laying and installation work.

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