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The maximum reward is 150,000 yuan

Recently, the 2024 Summer Harvest Wheat Competition in Lishui District officially launched the Lishui District Grain Farmers Competition.

Issued “competition order” for summer wheat harvest

and award bonuses to yield winners

  Now is the critical period for spring plowing preparations. Shen Mingtou, a major grain grower in Hefeng Town, is carefully checking the growth of wheat seedlings. This year he planted 1,800 acres of wheat. In addition to the Yangmai 25 variety selected in previous years, this year he also added two new varieties, Yangmai 34 and Sumai 198.

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 ”The main purpose is to compare and see which variety is more productive, so we can plant it in a large area next year.” Shen Mingtou said that he has signed up to participate in this year’s summer harvest wheat competition to catch up and surpass the high yield. “According to past experience, my yield per unit area is more than 1,000 kilograms. This year, I have tried planting new varieties, and I have one-on-one guidance from agricultural technicians. The yield per unit area may reach a new high. I am confident that I can achieve the bonus!”

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  As soon as the “competition order” was issued, like Shen Mingtou, major grain growers in the region were eager to try and signed up enthusiastically. Currently, the area of ​​wheat in the field in the district is 132,600 acres, an increase of 3,000 acres year-on-year. The wheat is in the regreening and jointing stage, with more than 83.2% of the first and second types of seedlings. The growth process is slightly earlier than last year and the growth is good.

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According to the relevant person in charge of the District Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, this competition is aimed at the entities that create green, high-yield and high-efficiency wheat, and large-scale grain and oil planting entities in the region. The planting entities that rank top and meet the standard with an actual harvest area of ​​more than 3 acres will be rewarded . One first prize winner will receive a bonus of 50,000 yuan; two second prize winners will receive a bonus of 30,000 yuan each; and three third prize winners will receive a bonus of 10,000 yuan each. In addition, there will be an additional bonus of 50,000 yuan for those who win the first prize and have a yield of more than 600 kilograms per unit; and an additional bonus of 100,000 yuan for those who win the first prize and have a yield of more than 700 kilograms .

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In order to ensure that the competition is effective and effectively promote the high-quality development of agricultural production, Lishui District organized technical experts to go to the front line, go deep into the fields, and work in 8 towns and subdistricts, and command from the front to grasp the dynamics of agricultural production in a timely manner. So far, a total of 27 working groups have been dispatched to guide 299 farmers, and 149,000 acres have been decontaminated, with the coverage rate of unified prevention and control reaching more than 80%. “We will reward and promote the emerging high-yielding models, high-yielding varieties, technical specifications, etc., to create a good atmosphere of catching up and surpassing in grain production in the region, and better promote the improvement of grain yield and quality.” District Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau Introduction by the relevant person in charge.

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