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The Gulou section of Metro Line 9

Metro Line 9

Under the scorching sun and steaming hot weather, the Gulou section of Nanjing Metro Line 9 ushered in a new construction dynamic. The subway builders are not afraid of the high temperature in summer, sweating and silently sticking to the front-line construction site, and steadily promoting the progress of subway construction.

Line 9 Sanxiahe Station ~ Longjiang Station

The shield of the right line section was successfully launched

Recently, with the completion of the assembly of the right line shield positive 2 ring segment of the Sanxiahe Station ~ Longjiang Station section of Line 9 (hereinafter referred to as the “Sanlong section”), the tail brush of the shield machine safely entered the short sleeve of the start, and the right line shield of the Sanlong section was successfully launched, marking the TA02 standard civil engineering 1 work area officially entered the double-line shield tunneling stage of the Sanlong section.

The Sanlong section starts from the head well at the south end of Sanyanghe Station and receives from the head well at the north end of Longjiang Station. After the interval line exits Sanxiahe Station, it is laid along Jiangdong North Road, and enters Longjiang Station after passing through many buildings (groups) on the side, which is difficult to construct and the surrounding environment and geological conditions of the line are complex.

In order to ensure the smooth start of the shield, Nanjing Metro led the participating units to summarize the experience in the process of starting the left line of the Sanlong section, further optimized and refined the preparation for the start of the right line, and reviewed the whole process of tunneling under the left line of the Sanlong section through the Dinghuaimen Tunnel to ensure the smooth progress of the right line of the Sanlong section through the Dinghuaimen Tunnel. In addition, Nanjing Metro combined with the actual situation of the site, sorted out the major risk points, coordinated the construction force, and was on duty throughout the whole process, so as to carry out various tasks in a solid and orderly manner to ensure that the pre-construction preparations for the shield were in place.

In the follow-up shield tunneling process, Nanjing Metro will continue to take root in the site, strictly control the tunneling process and process, control the whole process of shield construction according to the requirements, ensure the smooth tunneling, and lay the foundation for the follow-up project construction to advance as scheduled.

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