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The country’s first five-star 5G factory was built in Nanjing

5G factory

Recently, it was learned that the first five-star 5G factory in China, ZTE Nanjing Intelligent Binjiang 5G Factory, has completed the construction of the park, and has passed the certification of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as “China Academy of Information and Communications Technology”) Thiel Certification Center, becoming a new benchmark for the deep integration and comprehensive application of 5G technology and electronic equipment manufacturing industry.

In Nanjing, ZTE’s Nanjing Smart Binjiang 5G Factory is famous for “manufacturing 5G with 5G”. Walking into its workshop, I saw that the robotic arm was busy welding and assembly, the AGV robot was running all over the field, and the robots were working together to produce base station (small station) equipment, servers and other products in an orderly manner. An invisible 5G network with 100% full coverage in the factory. In scenarios with high requirements for 5G network performance, such as remote equipment control, the factory actively explores 5G private frequency private network construction solutions.

In December 2023, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology officially launched the 5G factory certification work, and ZTE Nanjing Smart Binjiang 5G Factory submitted an application. According to the determination, at present, the networking rate of the plant’s on-site equipment exceeds 97%, and the networking rate of key equipment has reached 100%, of which the 5G networking rate is as high as 89.3%, and the wireless equipment has been 5G. In the whole process of R&D and design, manufacturing, testing and monitoring, warehousing and logistics, operation management, etc., the application of 5G technology has been strengthened, and the construction of “5G + Industrial Internet” scenarios has covered 20 typical application scenarios released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The construction of 5G has directly promoted the significant improvement of the factory’s automation efficiency, process optimization level, and lean production scale – the total output value of the factory has increased by 41%, the per capita output value has increased by 81%, the delivery cycle has been shortened from 20 days to 14 days, the carbon emission has been reduced by 29%, and the energy consumption of a single product has been reduced by 19%.

According to reports, the 5G factory fully demonstrates the potential of 5G technology in improving production efficiency, reducing operating costs, and promoting green development, which not only represents the direction of the digital transformation of China’s manufacturing industry, but also provides a Chinese solution for the development of the global “5G + Industrial Internet”. The relevant person in charge of Binjiang Development Zone said that in recent years, the park has been guided by ZTE’s 5G + industrial Internet construction, deeply promoted the digital transformation of the production lines of a number of manufacturing enterprises such as process equipment and Jiasheng Electromechanical, and successfully implemented 130 intelligent transformation and digital transformation projects, 29 provincial-level star-rated cloud projects, and was shortlisted for the first batch of “10 Gigabit Park” construction lists in the province.

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