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The 2024 Nanjing Cyber Security Publicity Week was launched

cyber security

Cyber security is for the people, and cyber security depends on the people. On September 9, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Nanjing Cyber Security Publicity Week was held at the Jiangsu International Data Port.

he opening ceremony invited the 2008 Beijing Olympic trampoline champion, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education, Lu Chunlong, and the police of the Nanjing Municipal Public Security Bureau’s network security detachment to talk about the network security in the eyes of the Olympic champions. In addition, in order to further enhance the awareness of youth cyber security, the 2024 “Cyber Security E Road Growth” youth cyber security science popularization and career experience activities were released on the spot.

During the publicity week from September 10th to September 15th, theme day activities such as Campus Day, Telecommunications Day, Rule of Law Day, Finance Day, Youth Day, and Personal Information Protection Day will be carried out. Scientific application.

The opening ceremony was attended by the leaders or relevant responsible comrades of the Internet Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and the organizers of the theme day activities, the relevant responsible comrades of the Management Committee of Xuzhuang High-tech Zone, the main responsible comrades of the Internet Information Office of the District Committee, the heads of relevant departments and offices at the municipal level, representatives of Olympic champions, representatives of style supervisors, student representatives and enterprise representatives.

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