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Tens of billions of “heavy position”, the car company and “Ning” counterparts


Rolls of special steel in the stamping workshop is die-cast into sheet metal parts, into the body shop welding into a high-strength body, and then into the paint shop color, and finally in the intelligent assembly workshop through automated equipment to install seats, tires, sunroofs and other parts, a brand new electric MPV then slowly out of the inspection line …… Here is located in the Jiangning High-tech ZoneSAIC Datsun Nanjing Manufacturing BaseIn March last year, after completing the new investment of 5 billion yuan, seven years three times “increase” of SAIC Datsun Automobile Co.Total investment in Ningbo reached 10 billion yuan. With the multiple advantages of large project volume, sharp industry technology, and strong industrial bandwidth, SAIC Datsun was among the list of high-quality industrial projects evaluated by Nanjing Investment Promotion Office last year.


Automobile is one of the four traditional pillar industries in Nanjing. In recent years, with the profound changes in the automobile industry, “Nanjing car” is also constantly upgrading. Nanjing’s existing seven vehicle manufacturing enterprises, all with new energy vehicle production capacity, last year’s production reached 600,000, of which new energy vehicles increased by 40%. SAIC Datsun Automobile Limited several capital increase, is one of the participants and witnesses.

In 2017, SAIC Datsun entered Nanjing for the first time, investing 3 billion yuan to build a new vehicle production line, at this time the market is still the absolute mainstay of fuel vehicles; in August 2020, SAIC Datsun increased its investment by 1.528 billion yuan, launching a new generation of intelligent networked vehicles “MAXUS MIFA”, the purely electric architecture singing “In March last year, SAIC Datsun decided to increase its investment by 5 billion yuan for the third time to build a new production line, and two new energy models, “Dana V1” and “MAXUS MIFA7”, were officially launched in November of that year. The two new energy models “Dana V1” and “everyone MIFA7” have been officially listed in November of that year.

Precise customer targeting is the key to penetrating different types of markets for this round of products.


“The overhead and side doors are equipped with document storage areas, the penetrating front seats are convenient for the driver to take a break at noon, the flat center console on the passenger side is ready to be transformed into a dining table, and the power design of pure electric power makes it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter and summer without any ‘cost anxiety’… …The van ‘Dana V1’ allows courier buddies to enjoy the care this vehicle gives them while they are busy. We have captured the special needs of this group in different scenarios through a lot of market research in the early stage, from which we developed the ‘Dana V1’ model.” Fei Anlin, production start-up manager of SAIC Dana Automobile Co., Ltd. introduced that this model has been praised continuously since it was launched in November last year, and the production capacity is now in the stage of climbing, and the sales volume is expected to be more than 1,000 units in January this year.

Another model, “MIFA7”, is a high-end luxury household pure electric MPV with a range of more than 600 kilometers, and also supports the power exchange mode to minimize customers’ power anxiety.

The more models there are, the higher the requirements for workers’ assembly accuracy, and the higher the demand for flexibility of the production line. For this reason, SAIC Datsun has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in production line reconstruction, from the automatic lifting and lowering of pallets to the intelligent identification of the loading system, and now the assembly line is equipped with the mixed-line production capacity of six models, which can adapt to the demand for customized car manufacturing. Taking material sorting as an example, hundreds of parts are placed on the double-row shelves of about 50 meters in length, and every time the information code of a new car is scanned, the corresponding parts box will light up to remind the operator to take it accurately.

As early as 2019, SAIC Datsun’s Nanjing plant was selected as a global “lighthouse factory”, taking the lead among domestic vehicle manufacturers. Today, after several rounds of digitalization, intelligence, and flexible transformation, a new car rolls off the assembly line every two minutes on average.

It is worth noting that the 1,100-acre plot of land where SAIC Datsun’s Nanjing plant is located first belonged to NAC Group. Without changing the land use right, the production capacity of SAIC Datsun’s MAXUS brand was successfully grafted onto the land, realizing the revitalization and utilization of the low utility land, which was rated by the Ministry of Natural Resources as a typical case of land saving and efficiency improvement. The annual output value has jumped from 2 billion yuan in the beginning to 8 billion yuan last year.

In addition to the main plant, SAIC Datsun’s Nanjing plant has in recent years purchased three small plots of land ranging from 100-150 acres within 3 kilometers of the surrounding area as supporting facilities for parts production and finished vehicle warehousing. “The fact that we put our projects here one after another already speaks volumes about the importance and trust we place in Nanjing.” Fei Anlin told reporters that SAIC Datsun has layouts in Nanjing, Wuxi and Liyang in the province, of which the Nanjing base is the largest, “We plan to focus on Nanjing as the base with the largest production capacity of SAIC nationwide.”

This year’s Nanjing “two sessions” proposed to serve existing enterprises as a top priority, co-ordination of stock and increment, to create a strong atmosphere of investment promotion and projects, focusing on breakthroughs of more than 5 billion yuan of advanced manufacturing projects.

Do a good job of project attraction “second half”, Nanjing to deepen the key investment project scheduling mechanism, the project landing process of elemental resources, relevant approval processes and support policies to support a number of key investment projects in the urban areas under the integrated linkage services to achieve the start.

Take Vapor Datsun as an example.The 8th of every month, is the Jiangning Hi-tech Zone set up a special “Chase service day”.The main leaders of the park paid a visit to the enterprises to ask for their needs, and the list of problems collected will become the focus of the return visit on the 8th of next month. “In terms of factor protection, our factory will be prioritized as a Class A electricity enterprise when power is limited in summer; in terms of talent gathering, the park will help us recruit and promote through its own talent company.” Fei Anlin said, although the enterprise to a new stage of development, will produce new problems, but with the park all the way to escort, the problem will be solved, two successive capital increase is the water to the end.

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Last year, Nanjing and Changan Automobile, SAIC Group and other enterprises to plan and promote a number of major transformation projects with a total investment of nearly 100 billion yuan, and written into the government’s work report at the beginning of this year. On the one hand, we are focusing on the new development of traditional pillar industries, and on the other hand, we are promoting the cultivation and growth of innovative industrial clusters. This year, Nanjing will adhere to the incremental projects to lead the four pillar industries high-end intelligent green development, which will promote the traditional fuel vehicles to accelerate the transition to new energy vehicles, intelligent network direction, to strengthen the automatic driving, intelligent cockpit and other areas of technology research and development reserves.

This is a brand-new opportunity for SAIC Datsun, which tests the service standard of the place. Last year, in order to help SAIC Datsun reduce costs and increase efficiency, Jiangning Hi-Tech Zone searched for resources in the existing enterprises, and successfully grafted the body sheet metal parts supplier Xingjiaowitec and energy storage facilities supplier Macroview Intelligent Grid for it, which led to the cooperation between the two sides one after another to achieve a win-win situation.
At present, in front of the park and enterprises is a long-term problem: how to steadily break through the 10 billion output value, in the process of which elements are still needed to protect. Jiangning Hi-tech Zone relevant person in charge said a let Fei Anlin impressed words: “the future of our investment should be around the SAIC Datsun to layout, your industry chain needs which enterprises, we prepare in advance sites and plants, to recruit them over!” The next step, Jiangning Hi-tech Zone will focus on the green intelligent networked automobile industry chain, increase the efforts to attract large and strong, settle a number of core enterprises, accelerate the layout of the key chain, grow industrial clusters, and enhance the core competitiveness of the industry.

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