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Strategic cooperation between the central government and the local government to create a demonstration benchmark

On the afternoon of May 9, Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone and China Energy Construction Group East China Construction Investment Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, the two sides will focus on accelerating the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, further integrate and gather resources, deepen pragmatic cooperation in industrial cooperation, functional park construction, carbon peak pilot park construction and other fields, and work together to create a number of “central and local cooperation” demonstration benchmark projects. Continue to inject new momentum into high-quality development.

As the vanguard and ballast stone of the city’s economic development, Jiangning Development Zone ranks eighth among the 230 state-level economic development zones in the country in terms of comprehensive development level. The park has been successively approved as a national new energy demonstration industrial park, a national ecological industrial demonstration park, a national green park, a green development best practice park, and a provincial low-carbon economy pilot park. At the end of last year, the park was successfully selected into the list of the first batch of pilot parks for carbon peaking in China.

The strategic cooperation between Jiangning Development Zone and China Energy Construction Group East China Construction Investment Co., Ltd. mainly includes industrial development, the construction of new functional parks, and the construction of carbon peak pilot parks.

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