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Signing was signed and construction started

construction started

A new start in the new year

All over the city

Each district and each section

Live up to the spring glory and start a good start

Concentrate your efforts and start again

The “First Meeting of the New Year” held on the 19th made it clear that Nanjing will use technological innovation to empower industrial innovation, promote the accelerated development of new productive forces, and make new productive forces the most distinctive symbol of Nanjing’s high-quality development.

Signing, unveiling, start of construction

Nanjing’s investment promotion is booming and opening up a new chapter

“The first meeting of the New Year” has just ended

Nanjing forges ahead with steady and steady energy

Focus on industrial development

In Qinhuai District

The unveiling ceremony of MCC Tiangong East China Construction Co., Ltd. has just concluded a few days ago, and the working atmosphere of attracting big talents in the region is getting stronger day by day;

In Gulou District

High-quality industrial projects such as the Jiangsu headquarters of a coal smart logistics industry of a power group, the East China Research Institute of a central enterprise, and digital intelligence services of a state-owned enterprise are about to be signed;

In Jiangning District

The US-Egypt high-end equipment headquarters and R&D and production base project, a large project worth 10 billion yuan, is about to start construction;

In Pukou District

A digital security cloud service center will also be signed and settled in Pudong, and a number of industry leading companies will successively enter Pudong…

Innovation, precision, service

Go all out to “ride on the momentum”

Closely following the theme of “Year of Breakthroughs”

Nanjing “increases depth” in precise recruitment

Jiangbei New District

Efforts will be made to tackle key areas such as new chemical materials, life and health, intelligent manufacturing, and finance, as well as urban functional projects featuring culture and youth. At the same time, we will adhere to the positioning and standards of national-level new districts and strive to attract a group of high-level and large-scale , high-quality projects with sufficient potential and strong radiation.

Qinhuai District

Taking the construction of a “4+3+4” modern industrial system as the “key to strengthening the district”, we will go all out to attract investment, develop projects, provide excellent services, and strengthen industries, and vigorously introduce and cultivate high-energy projects and major industrial projects.

Qixia District

Focusing on key areas such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, we will focus on leading central enterprises, large state-owned enterprises, and well-known private enterprises, and plan to hold no less than 15 key investment promotion activities throughout the year. Overseas, focusing on regions such as Japan, South Korea, Germany, and France, we have launched small-scale investment promotion around biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing and other industries to attract a number of high-quality foreign investment projects.

Liuhe District

Adhere to the “3+1” innovative industrial cluster development, fully implement the “2442” strategic layout, and focus on achieving effective breakthroughs in large-scale projects and high-level projects.

Focus on what the company needs and wants

Nanjing does this

Jiangning District

The innovative “full-chain approval service” mechanism effectively compresses the 198 days of approval time usually required for projects from negotiation to completion acceptance to 123 days. By actually saving nearly one month, the approval efficiency has been improved by 38%, becoming Jiangning. The “golden sign” of the business environment.

Xuanwu District

The “Implementation Measures on Rewards for Introducers of Investment Projects” was promulgated, which will provide the district with investment project information, assist in project negotiation and promotion, and provide rewards ranging from 300,000 to 2 million yuan to individuals, organizations or enterprises that promote the settlement of the project.

Recruit new people, attract talents, and smooth links

Using investment to promote “burden-bearing”

Promote industry to strengthen the city and “increase momentum”

The plan for the year lies in spring

Walking in a hurry, itinerary is full

In the near future, the main person in charge of Gulou District will visit enterprises in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places, actively promote the implementation of the projects under discussion, and jointly organize central-enterprise cooperation exchange meetings with relevant municipal functional departments to further promote the recruitment of central-enterprise projects; the main person in charge of Pukou District will Go to Hong Kong to carry out investment promotion activities and promote the district’s high-quality investment environment to a group of integrated circuit companies in Hong Kong; the main person in charge of Gaochun District will lead the team to start an investment tour in Longyan, Fujian, Shenzhen and Dongguan, Guangdong; the main person in charge of Lishui District will also lead the team The team went to the Greater Bay Area to connect with high-quality resources…

In terms of project attraction, Nanjing will closely follow the country’s requirements for promoting high-level opening up to the outside world, as well as the implementation of strategies such as the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and strengthen the planning of investment promotion activities. It plans to hold more than ten key municipal-level investment promotion activities throughout the year. Launch the “Global CEO Visits to Nanjing” event and strive to invite hundreds of key companies and important leaders to Nanjing to discuss cooperation .

Focusing on the three types of capital: central enterprises, foreign capital, and private capital, Nanjing will implement the four major actions of “strengthening chains, breaking zeros, fulfilling contracts, and improving quality” for central enterprise investment, and launch a “network connection” operation with the world’s top 500 and leading foreign-funded enterprises to further attract private enterprises. Leading companies come to Ning to invest and start business .

In addition, Nanjing is also committed to becoming the warmest companion for the development of enterprises, strengthening the confidence and determination of enterprises to invest in Nanjing and taking root in Nanjing, and acting as a strong backing for enterprises investing in Nanjing. At the same time, it combines activities such as “Serving Enterprises·Face-to-face” and “Enterprise Visits” to Establish a “one-to-one” mechanism for investment services for key enterprises to encourage and support reinvestment and rapid development of enterprises in Nanjing.

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