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School-enterprise collaborative innovation to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises

School-enterprise collaborative

On the afternoon of April 18th, Nanjing’s specialized and special new “thousands of schools and thousands of enterprises” Zijin action entered Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, and held a school-enterprise collaborative innovation docking meeting, on the spot, Nanjing Panda Electronics, Luopu shares, Guorui Xinwei and other 7 high-quality enterprises signed a comprehensive school-enterprise cooperation agreement with universities, and scientific researchers divided into 3 topics and hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises for in-depth docking.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, guiding enterprises to collaborate with universities in Nanjing is an important means to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Since last year, it has successfully held a number of activities with Nanjing University, Southeast University, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing University of Industry and Technology and other universities, which has effectively promoted the cooperation between enterprises and industry-university, and has achieved remarkable results in school-enterprise collaborative innovation, which has stimulated the emergence of more specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises.

At present, the city has been cumulatively cultivated

There are 31 national manufacturing individual champion enterprises

There are 213 national specialized, special and new “little giant” enterprises

There are 1,122 provincial-level specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises

Among them, new ones will be added in 2023

There are 13 national manufacturing individual champion enterprises

It ranks fourth in the country and first in the province

There are 107 new national specialized, special and new “little giant” enterprises

Ranked 8th in the country, and the total number has doubled

On the day of the event, it attracted more than 100 specialized, special and new high-quality enterprises in the city to Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. Enterprises hope to make full use of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology’s rich teaching and research resources in meteorology, computer, environment, chemistry, materials and other disciplines to carry out in-depth cooperation between schools and enterprises. During the event, three key enterprises, including Nanjing Port Machinery Heavy Industry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a national manufacturing individual champion enterprise, and Lanshen Group Co., Ltd., a national specialized and special new “little giant” enterprise, exchanged experiences and released technical requirements for universities. The School of Computer Science, the School of Electronic Information and Engineering, the School of Automation, and the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology respectively promoted their respective scientific and technological achievements.

In order to promote the in-depth docking between enterprises and university scientific researchers, and accelerate the transformation of scientific research achievements into real productivity, three special seminar salons were set up at the event site around the fields of new generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing, and new materials and environmental protection industries, so that enterprises and university researchers can fully communicate face-to-face and promote cooperation intentions.

Our city proposes that by 2025, there will be 30, 300, 1,000 and 10,000 national manufacturing single champion enterprises, national specialized and special new “little giant” enterprises, provincial specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises。 The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology said that the city will adhere to the Zijin action of “thousands of schools and thousands of enterprises”, promote the collaborative innovation of colleges and universities in Nanjing and specialized and special new enterprises, further strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and continuously improve the core competitiveness of enterprises.

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