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Revenue in the first quarter was 2.3 billion! Lishui accelerates the “new track”

rom May 13th to 19th, it is the 34th National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, with the theme of “Green Transformation, Energy Conservation”. As a “new track” for energy transformation and green development, since the beginning of this year, Lishui District has accelerated its layout, continued to make efforts, and moved towards “green” in promoting the development of energy storage and hydrogen energy industries, and has achieved remarkable results.

In the first quarter of this yearEnergy storage and hydrogen energy related industries in Lishui DistrictRevenue reached 2.3 billion yuanThis represents a year-on-year increase of 26.3%.

In Lishui’s first national green factory, Nanjing Feiyan Piston Ring Co., Ltd., a 2 MW/6 MWh user-side energy storage power station is continuously charging and discharging clean electricity.

The total investment of the project is about 12 million yuan, and the total rated output power of the power station is 2 megawatts and the total capacity is 6 megawatt hours. “The energy storage power station can be charged and discharged twice a day, and we have achieved the normalization of the use of clean energy.” According to the relevant person in charge of the company, after the energy storage power station is connected to the grid, it can save about 3 million yuan in electricity costs and reduce 410 tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year, helping enterprises to achieve energy saving, carbon reduction and cost reduction.

At Datang Nanjing Thermal Power Co., Ltd., the 50 MW/100 MWh centralized shared energy storage project is accelerating. The project uses 19 sets of independent energy storage units, and is expected to be completed and put into operation by the end of June, with an annual discharge of 300 times and an annual power generation of about 30 million kilowatt hours.
In Lishui, more energy storage applications are continuing to expand. At present, five user-side energy storage power station projects, including Honeycomb Energy, Feiyan Piston Ring, and Zhengrui Power, have been completed and put into use, and Changan Automobile, Skyworth Electric, Fengdong Heat Treatment and other enterprise user-side energy storage power stations are accelerating, with a total scale of more than 55 MWh of completed and under construction.

With the continuous emergence of energy storage application scenarios, the hydrogen energy industry in the region has entered the fast lane of development. Baowu Magnesium Technology Co., Ltd., located in Dongping Street, has increased R&D investment in magnesium hydrogen storage, realized the large-scale production capacity of high-performance magnesium-based hydrogen storage material products, and reached the international leading level.

Aerospace Chenguang Chemical Machinery Branch

Aerospace Chenguang Chemical Machinery Branch, which is also deeply engaged in the field of hydrogen storage, focuses on liquid hydrogen storage and transportation, with a total investment of 80 million yuan to start construction of a high-parameter liquid hydrogen storage and transportation equipment project, and was selected into the list of the first batch of hydrogen energy projects in the country in March this year, and the key core technology fills the domestic gapThe product performance indicators have reached the same level abroad. At present, Lishui has gathered 9 key hydrogen energy enterprises such as Momentum, Lopal and Hydrogen Innovation, and the innovation strength in the field of hydrogen energy has been continuously enhanced.

Speed up layout

Clusters of clusters
Lishui’s development achievements in the field of energy storage and hydrogen energy are inseparable from the guidance and promotion of policies. In recent years, Lishui has seized the opportunity, planned first, and accelerated the layout, and successively compiled the “Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Plan for Lishui District, Nanjing (2023-2030)” and the “Development Plan for New Energy Storage Industry in Lishui District (2024-2030)” to draw a clear “roadmap” for industrial development.

At the same time, Lishui quickly established a special class for energy storage and hydrogen energy industry to carry out precise investment promotion and project promotion around the energy storage and hydrogen energy industry chain, and accelerate the formation of an industrial cluster development trend. At present, a number of projects have been signed and settled, such as Shenzhen Energy New Energy Headquarters, Zhongze Lithium Battery Safety Packaging Structural Parts, and Chengzhi Liquid Hydrogen Refueling Station, with an estimated total investment of 18 billion yuan.

The relevant person in charge of the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology said that as an important agglomeration area of energy storage and hydrogen energy industry, one of the six future industries in Nanjing, Lishui will continue to focus on the extension of the chain and the strengthening of the chain of the energy storage and hydrogen energy industry, and accelerate the construction of key projects. In the future, Lishui will strive to become a well-known and leading new energy storage industry and hydrogen energy industry agglomeration area and demonstration application highland in the province.

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