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Policies, achievements, and projects are unveiled!

Policies, achievements, and projects

Race for new tracks, build new engines

On the afternoon of May 15

The Nanjing Low-altitude Economic Development Conference was held in Pukou District

At the meeting, specially invited representatives, representatives of civil aviation units, affiliated enterprises, experts and scholars from universities, and relevant departments of provinces and cities gathered together to share insights on the future trends and opportunities of low-altitude economic development, key technological innovation breakthroughs, application scenario expansion and other fields, collide with sparks of ideas, open a new chapter of cooperation, and work together to promote the high-quality development of low-altitude economy.


Policy Interpretation

The “Implementation Plan” and “Several Measures” are further added

Aiming at the “first phalanx” in the country

At present, Nanjing’s low-altitude economy has gathered more than 100 related enterprises, and has been laid out in key industries such as low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude support, low-altitude flight and comprehensive services, forming a good industrial ecology, and the level of strong chain supplementation and chain extension of low-altitude industry has been significantly enhanced. In 2023, the revenue of the city’s low-altitude economy-related industries will be nearly 3 billion yuan.

At the meeting, the “Nanjing Implementation Plan for Promoting the High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy (2024-2026)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Plan”) and “Several Measures of Nanjing on Supporting the High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy” (hereinafter referred to as “Several Measures”) were officially released and interpreted, striving to promote the city’s low-altitude economic development level to rank first in the country through the implementation of these two documents.

The next three years

The development goal of the city’s low-altitude economy

1 aggregate indicator

The scale of the city’s low-altitude economic industry has developed more than 50 billion yuan.

7 specific indicators

☑ More than 240 low-altitude aircraft take-off and landing fields and supporting information infrastructure have been built.

☑ More than 3 flight test sites and operator training sites have been built.

☑ It is planned to build 1-2 general airports.

☑ More than 120 low-altitude routes have been opened.

☑ There are more than 120 high-tech enterprises in the low-altitude economic field in the city.

☑ 15 innovation platforms at or above the provincial level have been built.

☑ Cultivate more than 30 innovative application scenarios with demonstration effect.

The key tasks of the city’s low-altitude economy

Effectively guarantee low-altitude flight activities

Focusing on the realization of large-scale, low-cost, safe and controllable flight activities, six tasks were proposed, including improving the design of low-altitude flight system, promoting collaborative management of air traffic, improving flight control service capabilities, building low-altitude flight data platform, building ground low-altitude infrastructure, and building low-altitude digital intelligent network.

Improve the level of low-altitude industrial agglomeration

Focusing on enterprise cultivation, industrial support, carrier construction, and excellent brand, four tasks were proposed, including laying out a new track for low-altitude future industries, cultivating and expanding the low-altitude economic industrial chain, building a high-level industrial carrying area, and organizing and carrying out major activities in the low-altitude field.

Expand and cultivate low-altitude application scenarios

Focusing on scenario expansion, rich business formats, and characteristic consumption, three tasks were proposed: creating a demonstration of “government-side” application scenarios, exploring the practice of “transportation-side” application scenarios, and encouraging the innovation of “commercial-side” application scenarios.

In terms of building a low-altitude science and technology innovation source center

Focusing on giving full play to the advantages of scientific and technological innovation and talent gathering, three tasks were proposed: promoting breakthroughs in low-altitude scientific and technological innovation, developing new forms of low-altitude scientific and technological services, and consolidating the support of low-altitude industrial talents.

Improve the supporting measures for the low-altitude economy

Focusing on core services, external support, and strengthening supervision, four tasks were proposed, including cultivating the technical service capacity of airworthiness certification, establishing a low-altitude economic expert committee and a low-altitude economic industry association, and establishing a low-altitude safety guarantee mechanism.

In the “Several Measures”, not only the leading departments of 12 specific measures have been clarified, but also the low-altitude economic development has been promoted through the cash reward and subsidy policy of up to 10 million yuan.

Publication of results

Four major technical achievements, four categories of 40 routes

Amplify the advantages of resource endowment

will be there

Four low-altitude intelligent advanced technology achievements were released01

QKD system for UAV mobile platform applications

The team of academician Zhu Shining of Nanjing University completed the quantum entanglement distribution test and mobile millimeter wave communication test based on UAV, which realized low-latency, high-speed and high-bandwidth signal transmission under classical optical communication for the first time in the world, and improved the security of communication links based on quantum key distribution technology, preventing key information from being leaked and tampered with, and helping to improve the security protection level of national sensitive information such as low-altitude airspace data.02

Cellular-free massive MIMO technology for 6G

Based on the world’s first 6G cellular-free radio access network architecture, Purple Mountain Lab has achieved a more than 10-fold improvement in wireless transmission capabilities such as spectrum efficiency, peak rate, and transmission latency compared with 5G. Among them, the key technical indicators have reached the international leading level, fully empowering 6G air-ground collaborative communication, achieving full coverage of 800 square kilometers of airspace at a single station, and significantly reducing the cost of airspace networking construction.


Blockchain-based low-altitude safety management and control technology

Based on the characteristics of blockchain technology, such as decentralization, non-tampering, and traceability, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has successfully developed the first low-altitude safety management and control platform in China, empowering drone manufacturers, mobile network operators, data service nodes and regulatory agencies, realizing effective management, supervision and guarantee of low-altitude spectrum resources, and maintaining communication order and security.04

5G-A integrated synaesthesia technology for low-altitude intelligent networking

On the basis of the 5G wireless communication network, the Nanjing Civil Unmanned Aviation Test Zone uses radar reflection technology to weave a low-altitude perception network, so that the test area has key capabilities such as target trajectory tracking, black flight intrusion detection, and electronic fence warning. This technology is a key step from 5G to 6G, and further consolidates China’s international leading position in 5G-A communication and perception technology.

Nanjing has opened up a “low-altitude route”, created a “low-altitude +” innovative integration model, and set up 40 routes in five categories, including low-altitude inspection, low-altitude express delivery, low-altitude medical material transportation, low-altitude sightseeing, and low-altitude buses, focusing on scenarios such as Yangtze River protection, medical material transportation, science and technology, cultural tourism, and low-altitude express delivery, so as to create a more intelligent, efficient and green global low-altitude transportation system.


Low-altitude inspection (9 routes)

With the advantages of UAV high-altitude perspective and real-time image transmission, we can improve the ability to investigate risks and hidden dangers, improve emergency response capabilities, and create a “low-altitude safety net” for residents. It is expected to make 7,200 sorties and a cumulative annual mileage of 87,000 kilometers.

Low-altitude express (13 routes)

It covers a wide range of logistics and transportation needs, solves many problems such as resource allocation and traffic congestion, adds weight to the green and low-carbon development of logistics, and brings a new “low-altitude +” consumption experience to the city. It is expected that there will be 20,000 sorties and a cumulative annual mileage of 11,300 kilometers.

Low-altitude medical supplies transportation (12 routes)

Low-altitude medical supplies transportation: overcome geographical barriers, improve first-aid efficiency, speed up the diagnosis and treatment process, realize remote first-aid guidance, and create a solid and reliable low-altitude “lifeline”. It is expected that there will be 8,000 sorties and a cumulative annual mileage of 120,000 kilometers.

Low-altitude sightseeing (4 routes)

Promote low-altitude sightseeing from niche and high-end to popular, optimize project sites, optimize the operation mode, and promote the personalization and diversification of tourism consumption. It is expected that there will be 2,150 sorties and a cumulative annual mileage of 52,500 kilometers.

Low-altitude bus (2 routes)

Greatly shorten the travel time of the people, improve the convenience of travel, broaden the development space of urban transportation, and bring more opportunities for the development of low-altitude industries and the transportation industry. It is expected to open 2 flight verification routes.03

Project signing

37 projects with a total investment of 30.6 billion yuan

Laying a runway for low-altitude economic take-off

At the meeting, the Nanjing Municipal People’s Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and China Railway Communication and Signal Co., Ltd. to clarify the cooperation between the civil aviation science and technology innovation base and the low-altitude economic industry innovation center, and promote the improvement of civil aviation safety and airworthiness innovation capabilities, as well as scientific and technological research and development, industrial traction and achievement transformation capabilities. At the same time, the city’s main functional sectors have signed contracts with relevant units around major platforms such as airworthiness technology research institutes, key laboratories and inspection and testing centers to promote the formation of high-end aviation innovation resource agglomeration.

A number of key industrial projects have also been signed


It is reported that 37 industrial funds and investment projects were signed at the conference, with a total investment of 30.6 billion yuan. Among them, there are 2 aerospace industry funds, with a total investment of more than 20 billion yuan; There are 35 low-altitude economy-related industrial projects, with a total contracted investment of 10.6 billion yuan. Among the signed projects, there are 9 projects with a total investment of more than 500 million yuan and 4 projects with a total investment of more than 1 billion yuan, covering the whole industrial chain of low-altitude economic and industrial technology research and development, low-altitude aircraft manufacturing, low-altitude operation services, low-altitude infrastructure and supporting support.

In order to better play the role of an expert think tank in the low-altitude field, the conference also issued a letter of appointment to some experts of the Nanjing Low-altitude Economic Expert Committee.

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