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Overseas guests flocked to “unlock” the charm of Nanjing


In the first half of 2024, 125,000 foreign travelers passed through Nanjing’s airport, a 1.2-time increase compared to the previous year. Among them, visa-free foreign entries surged nearly 50 times year-on-year. The city is now capturing global attention.

“Nanjing’s scenery is truly unique” “I’m almost becoming an environment publicity ambassador for Nanjing” “Having traveled across much of China, Nanjing feels the most like home”… Many foreign officials, diplomats in China, and foreign cultural celebrities visiting Nanjing this year have all expressed how they are being “won over” by this city and have left with their own impressions of Nanjing.

”Wandering throughthe City’s Landscapes,Savoring Its Beauty of Ecology

“The scenery along the Yangtze River in Nanjing is truly beautiful. I didn’t expect to see such adorable creatures as the Yangtze Finless Porpoise in a waterside platform in the heart of a metropolis!” As the achievements of the Yangtze River protection efforts become increasingly prominent, the “smiling angel,” the Yangtze Finless Porpoise, is gradually becoming a prominent feature of Nanjing on the international stage. In March, Portuguese Consul General in Shanghai, Sílvia Inácio, made a special trip to Nanjing to see the Yangtze Finless Porpoise and discuss Yangtze Finless Porpoise conservation and sustainable development with Portuguese marine whale protection experts. She stated that she wanted to introduce Nanjing’s beautiful scenery and Yangtze Finless Porpoises to more people on the international platform.

Portuguese Consul General Sílvia Inácio participated in the enhancement and releasing activity at the city park of Yangtze Finless Porpoises.

Blue sky, abundant greenery, and beautiful scenery are frequent impressions shared by foreign visitors to Nanjing. Over the years, Nanjing has continuously promoted ecological civilization construction, meticulously developed urban green spaces, and constantly improved the city’s park system and greenway network, making “green ecology” the city’s fundamental characteristic.

“In Nanjing, I saw a tangible example of China’s sustainable development.” In May, a delegation of elite Thai officials visited Love Bay Ecological Park. With its lush verdant grass and lucid flowing water, they remarked, “The green spaces in Nanjing’s urban parks are beautiful, and the ‘wetlands and ecology’ reflects a long-term vision.”

The delegation of Thai elite officials visited Love Bay Ecological Park.

Strolling through Nanjing, whether it’s the sycamore shade along the city’s main roads, the climbing ivy under overpasses, or the beautiful small flowers lining the streets, all attract the attention of overseas guests.

In June, the International Youth China Tour event was held in Nanjing, with 34 young Americans exploring the ancient city streets, cultural and museum venues, and local universities, experiencing Nanjing’s historical heritage and ongoing innovation. A student from Brigham Young University, said, “Nanjing is a very attractive city, especially with the abundant greenery everywhere; it’s what I like most about it.”

”Encountering History and Culture,Sensing the “New Charm of the Ancient Capital”

As the only UNESCO City of Literature in China, Nanjing continues to preserve its millennia-old cultural heritage and traditional culture amid urban modernization, with its “blend of ancient and modern urban temperament” leaving overseas visitors deeply impressed.

“Nanjing not only retains outstanding Chinese civilization but also showcases a new appearance in the new era. I believe this is a key reason why Nanjing receives global recognition.” In the first half of the year, foreign ambassadors in China and representatives from over 30 countries visited Nanjing, where the historical architecture, intangible cultural heritage, and modern urban landscape made a strong impression on them.

The Ambassador of Argentinian in China, Marcelo Suárez Salvia, after visiting the Nanjing Circumvallation, the largest, longest, and best-preserved ancient city wall in the world, remarked that the Nanjing Circumvallation represents the highest standard of ancient Chinese city wall construction techniques. It is meticulously preserved in the modern era, providing us with an excellent way to understand Chinese history.


Ambassadors from Cyprus, Seychelles, and other countries visit the Nanjing City Wall Museum.

Nanjing’s rich intangible cultural heritage also left a deep impression. Armenian Ambassador in China, H. E. Vahe Gevorgyan, observed Yunjin artisans operate the Dahualou weaving machines at the Nanjing Yunjin Brocade Museum and said, Nanjing’s Yunjin continues to shine in modern development, and I see the continuity of Chinese culture through it.


Armenian Ambassador in China, H. E. Vahe Gevorgyan, watches Yunjin artisans operate weaving machines.

The Confucius Temple area at night is dazzling and full of cultural ambiance. Nguyen Xuan Thanh, vice chairman of the People’s Committee of Binh Hoa City, Vietnam, expressed during his visit that Nanjing’s historical and cultural heritage is truly impressive! Binh Hoa City also has a Confucian temple dedicated to Confucius, and he hope the two cities can engage in more cultural exchanges in the future.

Nanjing presents a dreamlike tapestry where history and modernity intertwine for global guests. Matthias Schlüeter, a representative of the Dietfurt City delegation from Germany, sketched over 40 drawings of Nanjing. He said, “Nanjing is full of charm from its historical culture to modern development. I want to capture its beauty with my brush”.


Matthias Schlüeter from Dietfurt City, Germany, displays sketches of Nanjing.

”Discussing Cultural and Tourism Cooperation, Painting a Picture of “Beauty in Harmony”

This year, images and videos of Nanjing’s Mingxiaoling (Mausoleum of the Hongwu Emperor), Confucius Temple, and Hongshan Forest Zoo have frequently gone viral on overseas social media platforms. The city’s cultural and tourism consumption areas, unique cultural tourism streets, and beautiful countryside showcase a scene of “all flowers bloom together”. The city’s outstanding cultural and tourism resources have captivated overseas visitors.

At the beginning of the year, the 38th Qinhuai Lantern Festival first ignited the Nanjing cultural and tourism market. The “blazing colors in the sky that never sleeps” impressed Cyprus Ambassador in China, Martha A. Mavrommati, who attended the lantern-lighting ceremony. She remarked, “Nanjing is truly a magical and beautiful city!” She expressed hope to further deepen the friendship between Limassol and Nanjing and to enhance cooperation in cultural tourism and other fields.


Cyprus Ambassador in China, Martha A. Mavrommatis, attends the activity of Qinhuai Lantern Festival.

In April, Lee Jang-woo, mayor of Daejeon Metropolitan City, South Korea, attended the 30th anniversary celebration of the Nanjing-Daejeon sister city relationship. The picturesque, the East Zhonghua Gate Historical Culture Block, with its white walls and black tiles and bustling with tourists, allowed him to fully appreciate the beauty of the ancient capital and recognize the enormous potential for cooperation in cultural tourism between the two cities. He also mentioned that he would recommend Nanjing to South Korean tourists.


Lee Jang-woo, mayor of Daejeon Metropolitan City, South Korea, and his delegation attend the activity of Nanjing-Daejeon 30th anniversary celebration at the East Zhonghua Gate Historical Culture Block.

In June, Greek Ambassador in China, Evgenios Dimitrios Kalpyris, and his wife visited Nanjing for exchanges. Kalpyris highly praised Nanjing’s efforts and achievements in promoting the Olympic spirit and youth Olympic culture. He expressed hope to strengthen cooperation in sports, cultural tourism, and the arts, and to closely connect the cities, setting a model for friendly exchanges between China and Greece.

Greek Ambassador in China, Evgenios Dimitrios Kalpyris, visits Nanjing.


“We value our interactions with Nanjing highly”. Recently, Australian Consul General in Shanghai, William Zhang, visited Nanjing and expressed hope for continued cooperation in animal protection. The popular Koala Pavilion at Hongshan Forest Zoo is a representative example of the deep cultural and tourism cooperation between Nanjing and Australia, with nearly 10,000 Nanjing residents participating in the koala baby naming event each year.

With its picturesque landscapes reminiscent of a curling dragon and crouching tiger, where mountains and waters weave together, Nanjing continues to captivate global visitors. Its charm is increasingly celebrated on the world stage.

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