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Nobunaga Star conducted research in Pukou District, Nanjing

Nobunaga Star conducted research in Pukou District, Nanjing

During a survey in Pukou District, Nanjing City, Nobunaga Star emphasized the importance
of consolidating the industrial foundation, demonstrating ecological advantages,
and accelerating the cultivation of new driving forces in high-quality development. On April 10, Nobunaga Star, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, conducted an in-depth investigation of parks, enterprises, villages, etc. in Pukou District, Nanjing City. . He emphasized that Pukou is an important part of the national-level Jiangbei New Area and the new main city of Nanjing Jiangbei. It is necessary to adhere to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and important instructions as a guide, consolidate the industrial foundation, highlight ecological advantages, and accelerate the cultivation of new momentum in high-quality development. , step to a new level.

The low-altitude economy is an emerging industry in global competition. The Nanjing Civil Unmanned Aviation Test Zone is one of the first batch of national-level test zones. It has built a low-altitude intelligent networking platform and a low-altitude service management platform, and developed multiple application scenarios. Nobunagaxing came to the operation and management center to learn more about the planning and layout of the test area, airspace management, route development and professional personnel training, and watched demonstrations of application scenarios such as maritime inspection, forest fire prevention, logistics and transportation, and medical supplies distribution. He pointed out that the low-altitude economy has a wide radiation area and a long industrial chain, and has huge imagination space and development potential. The key is to find the right integration point with production and life, urban management, and public service needs, based on Jiangsu’s scientific and educational talents, industrial supporting facilities, Market size and other advantages, seize opportunities, offset competition, and develop characteristics, making it a new engine for the development of new quality productivity.
Aircraft are an important part of the low-altitude economy, and many well-known UAV companies are gathered in the test area. Nobunaga Star observed the electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft of Yivit Aviation Technology Company, learned about the development progress, product performance, etc., and encouraged enterprises to take advantage of the situation, strengthen research on key core technologies, and help the low-altitude economy spread its wings with safe and reliable products. Changkong Technology Company was founded based on the UAV Research Institute of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and has built a relatively complete UAV industry ecosystem. In the exhibition hall, various types of drones are arranged in sequence. Nobunagasei asked about the technical characteristics and application fields one by one, and expressed his praise for the rich research results. He said that as Jiangsu develops a low-altitude economy, colleges and universities such as China Southern Airlines are very valuable resources and strong support. We must pay more attention to the deep integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation, work hard to open up blockages, and turn “good technologies” in the innovation chain into “new applications” in the industrial chain.

Huatian Technology is an enterprise that has attracted rapid growth in Pukou District in recent years. Nobunaga Star carefully understands the development history, industrial layout, new project construction, etc., and hopes that the enterprise will focus on the cutting-edge of science and technology, maintain strategic focus, continue to improve its independent innovation capabilities, and obtain Produce more landmark results and strive to be at the forefront of industry development.

Nanjing National Modern Agricultural Industry Science and Technology Innovation Center is a “national” agricultural innovation center. Nobunagaxing visited the Innovation Achievements Exhibition Hall and Laboratory successively, listened to the introduction of the operation system, carrier layout, and enterprise agglomeration of the Agricultural Innovation Center, and communicated and discussed with academicians, experts, and business leaders. He pointed out that the key to agricultural modernization lies in science and technology and talents. It is necessary to make good use of the important platform of agricultural innovation centers to gather innovative elements, emerge innovative results, and smooth transformation channels, so as to give agricultural modernization the wings of science and technology.

Bordering the Yangtze River to the south and the Chu River to the north, with hundreds of miles of old mountains stretching across it, Pukou forms the ecological foundation of “one mountain and two rivers”. Nobunaga Xing came to the hinterland of Laoshan, climbed up to overlook the distance, and learned about the ecological protection situation along the way. He pointed out that Nanjing’s mountains, rivers, cities and forests complement each other, and the water, rhyme and culture blend together. It is necessary to strengthen land and space planning and management, systematically carry out ecological protection and restoration, protect the mountains, green waters, blue sky and pure land with heart and soul, so that the natural scenery and humanistic customs become a lasting part of the city. Charm. Xiangtang Village, located in Laoshan, is rich in gardenias, surrounded by green hills and gurgling streams. Through organic renewal, it has introduced B&Bs, cultural and creative industries and other businesses, giving it new vitality. Nobunaga Hoshi inspected the appearance of the village, communicated cordially with the villagers, and praised the place for retaining the rural charm and nostalgia. He said that the beautiful natural environment is a high-quality resource for rural revitalization. It is necessary to combine traditional village style with modern elements to promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, make the countryside more beautiful, and make people’s lives happier.

Provincial and Nanjing Municipal leaders Han Liming, Chu Yonghong, and Chen Zhichang participated in the survey respectively.

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