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Nanjing welcomes largest European inbound tourist group


The evening of March 31st

A tour group of 31 German tourists

Come to Nanjing and embark on a spring tour

This is also what our city has done since 2020

The largest European inbound tourist group received

“Sehr schön! (Very beautiful)” At 21:30 that day, this group of German tourists took the Qinhuai Painted Boat and cruised the five-mile east route of the Qinhuai River. They were very excited to see the colorful Qinhuai lights on both sides of the bank and the sparkling Qinhuai River at their feet. Excited and praised continuously. “The lights and lighting in Nanjing at night are very beautiful and I was very impressed.”

“There are 25 tourists in this group over 60 years old. During the 2 days and 1 night stay in Nanjing, the guests will visit the Qinhuai River, visit the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, climb the city wall, appreciate the intangible cultural heritage, and taste delicious food… fully appreciate the rich history of the ancient capital Nanjing Cultural heritage and modern fashion.” said the person in charge of the entry center of China International Travel Service (Jiangsu), the group’s local pick-up agency.
On the second day of the itinerary, tourists took photos at the City Wall City Walk and the “I Love Nanjing” check-in box. They also experienced Nanjing’s characteristic intangible cultural heritage projects such as paper-cutting and diabolo shaking, enjoyed Yue Opera performances, and communicated with Yue Opera actors at close range.

In November last year, China decided to expand the scope of unilateral visa-free countries on a trial basis, and implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from six countries including Germany. From December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024, ordinary passport holders from the above countries who come to China for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transit for no more than 15 days can enter China without a visa. As soon as this move came out, travel agencies expressed their “welcome welcome” and accelerated the pace of organizing German inbound groups to come to Ning.
The 31-person German tour group that came to Ning this time is the largest European inbound group our city has received since 2020. “For German tourists, Nanjing is an ancient capital with a long history and culture as well as high-quality natural landscapes. There are many things to see, and the overall experience of visiting Nanjing is also very good.” Starting from the fourth quarter of last year, China International Travel Service The (Jiangsu) Immigration Center has successively received multiple batches of German inbound tour groups, including business groups, private customized tours, small package tours that meet individual needs, as well as tour groups organized by German travel agents.
Trendtours, which organized the group to come to Ning this time, is a well-known wholesaler of Chinese travel routes in Germany. This tour to Ning is the first of a new series of tours launched by the company this year that include Nanjing itineraries. It plans to send 50 tours throughout the year, which is currently scheduled to May.
According to the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Germany has always ranked first in Nanjing’s European inbound tourist source market. At the beginning of this year, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism officially resumed the European German-speaking Area Promotion Center project. From March 5th to 7th, the Nanjing Cultural Tourism European German Area Promotion Center represented Nanjing at the world’s largest tourism trade show – the International Travel Trade Fair (ITB) in Berlin, Germany. On March 7, the Promotion Center joined forces with the German Association of Travel Journalists (VDRJ), an important German media organization, to promote Nanjing tourism to 48 media representatives at the 2024 VDRJ Media Awards Breakfast held by it. 

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