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Municipal government signs strategic cooperation agreement with CEC

Municipal government

On July 14, Nanjing Municipal People’s Government and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. The signing of this cooperation agreement is a pragmatic action to deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions, accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, and is also the 5th strategic cooperation between the two sides since 2005. Secretary of Municipal Party Committee Han Liming, Mayor Chen Zhichang, Secretary of CEC Party Group and Chairman Wang Haibo attended the signing activity and delivered a speech. Li Shouwu, deputy secretary of CEC’s party group and director, presided over the event.

Han Liming and Chen Zhichang expressed their gratitude to CEC for its long-term and important contribution to the construction of Nanjing’s strategic scientific and technological power and industrial scientific and technological innovation.

Han Liming and Chen Zhichang said that Nanjing is deeply studying and implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches on the work of Jiangsu, accelerating the construction of the main carrying area of the industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, vigorously constructing the modern industrial system of “4266”, and providing services to support Jiangsu to build an important position for the development of new-quality productive forces, and making efforts to The new productivity will become the most distinctive mark of high-quality development. CEC is a leading enterprise in the electronic information industry, and has common values, complementary resource advantages and consistent development pursuits with Nanjing. The cooperation between the two sides has deep roots, solid foundation and broad prospects.

We hope that the two sides will take this signing as a new starting point, focus on national strategic needs, jointly promote the joint research of key core technologies, work together to build a through-put system of scientific and technological achievements, to create a consortium of outstanding engineers, and to realize the development of education, science and technology, and human resources “trinity”. Focusing on integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, low-altitude economy, industrial software and other key areas, we will further expand cooperation, drive the development of industrial chain clusters, and join hands to create a benchmark for the development of new productivity. Nanjing will, as always, provide first-class services and create a favorable environment for CEC’s development in Ningbo.

Wang Haibo said that CEC is deeply implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions, focusing on national needs to strengthen strategic leadership, deepening the business layout of “one consolidation, three strengthening”, fighting the battle of key core technologies, and serving the high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Nanjing is rich in scientific and technological resources and has good development momentum, which is highly compatible with the business layout of CEC.

We hope that the two sides will take this signing as an opportunity to further resonate at the same frequency and make efforts in the same direction, strengthen internal synergy and external alliance, strengthen cooperation in basic research, cutting-edge technology innovation and engineering, industrialization and application, develop and grow integrated circuits, low-altitude economy and other strategic emerging industry clusters, and join hands to promote the strategic cooperation to a deeper level, wider field and higher level.

According to the agreement, the two sides will deepen the planning and layout convergence and policy resources synergy on the basis of the previous cooperation, give full play to the scientific research advantages and industrial foundation of CEC’s institutes in Ningbo, and jointly build and form a high-capacity scientific and technological innovation platform, a high-quality strategic emerging industry cluster, and a high-level solution for digital transformation, so as to make new and greater contributions to the promotion of high-quality development of the economy.

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