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 Look at the super-burning scene of Lishui’s “dragon boat festival”

dragon boat" Festival

June 10th is the traditional Chinese festival Dragon Boat Festival, the river section of Tianshengqiao in Honglan Street, Lishui District is crowded with people, gongs and drums shake the sky. The 2nd Lishui Honglan Dragon Boat Racing Competition in 2024 will be held passionately, with 22 teams from all over the region participating in the competition, and a number of series of activities on site, creating a cultural tourism carnival integrating dragon boat racing, intangible cultural heritage, characteristic tourism, and “night economy” for the majority of citizens and tourists.

Ge Fei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Municipal Tourism Group, Wu Ji, Vice President of Bank of China Nanjing Branch, and Miao Xiumei, District Mayor, attended the scene and cheered for the dragon boat teams. District leaders Zhang Wei, Tai Lunhao, Zhang Decai, Zhang Weizhen, and the Indian Red Army participated.

With the sound of the crisp and loud gong, the dragon boats are like arrows from the string breaking the waves. The contestants followed the short and powerful drum beat, neatly waved the pulp into the water, and fought bravely to be the first and sprint with all their might…… The crowds on both sides of the strait were crowded, the audience shouted and cheered, the atmosphere was warm and tense, and the climax of the game was repeated. “I used to only watch dragon boat races on TV, but today I have the opportunity to watch dragon boat races in Lishui, so I took my children to experience the classic traditional culture of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the atmosphere was amazing!” Li Shang, a tourist from Hangzhou, said happily.

fter the preliminaries and qualifiers, the three teams of the Jiuhu Fishing Song Team, the Lijiao Dragon Team, and the Damei Shiqiu Team successfully advanced to the final and staged an ultimate competition on the water. In the finals, the Uhu Fishing Song Team took the lead with tacit cooperation and high-frequency and powerful rhythm, followed by the Lijiao Dragon Team, showing stability and endurance, and striving to narrow the gap again and again. In the final stage, the Uhu Yuge team successfully shook off the opponent and crossed the finish line with a distance of a dragon’s nose to win the championship, and the Lijiao Dragon Team and the Damei Shiqiu Team won the second and third places respectively.

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