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Lishui: Striving to Build a Modern city


At the beginning of the new year, the 2023 high-quality development answer sheet for Lishui has been released: 7 tasks have been supervised and incentivized by the provincial government, ranking first in the city in terms of quantity; Accumulated 25 red flags in the “Five Pins, Five Comparisons, and Five Rankings” competition, ranking second in the city; The number of major provincial and municipal projects, the completed investment and completion and production rate in the same year, and other quality and efficiency indicators rank among the top in the city; It is expected to achieve a regional GDP of 110 billion yuan, an increase of about 5%
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and is also a crucial year for fully achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five Year Plan. In the new year, Lishui has anchored its goals, maintained a “struggle” spirit, a “stable” determination, and a “progress” momentum, fully implemented the “four leading” and “four new” major tasks, focused on the central work of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, adhered to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, effectively enhancing economic vitality, enhancing people’s well-being, and striving to be at the forefront of high-quality development, Strive to write a new chapter in the modernization construction of Lishui with the theme of “strong wealth, beautiful height”.

Nanjing Changan Automobile 5G+Intelligent Factory Automatic Production Line

At the beginning of this month, a cargo ship loaded with “Made in Lishui” Changan cars set sail at Nansha Port in Guangzhou, marking the beginning of Nanjing Changan’s 2024 sea voyage.
At the same time, the Nanjing Chang’an production base located in Lishui Development Zone is rushing to meet orders and busy with production. On average, in less than 3 minutes, a brand new Deep Blue S7 is being taken off the assembly workshop.
Starting with a sprint and starting with a full bow, this is not only the striving state of Chang’an in Nanjing, but also the progressive trend of Lishui District. According to the latest data released by Chang’an, Nanjing, the company’s output value exceeded the 10 billion mark in 2023, reaching 10.1 billion yuan, becoming the first 10 billion level enterprise in Lishui District. After helping Lishui’s GDP break through the 100 billion mark, it is expected to reach another 10 billion level and reach 110 billion yuan.
Major projects are the “ballast stones” and “stabilizers” that ensure the stable and healthy operation of the economy and promote high-quality development. At the “New Year’s Eve” in Lishui in 2023, the focus was on “transforming work style, collaborating on projects, and promoting development”, proposing “four indices” and “five major indicators”. The “five major indicators” of mileage, number of tower cranes on construction sites, number of production and efficiency, number of major projects, and number of resource utilization were taken as the overall focus of project promotion, promoting the completion of investment of 16.39 billion yuan in 51 major provincial and municipal projects, and the commencement of 16 new construction projects such as the Luxi River, Major projects in 17 provinces and cities, including Longdian Huaxin, have been completed and put into operation. The number of major projects in these provinces and cities, as well as the quality and efficiency indicators such as completed investment and completion rate, rank among the top in the city.

Economic development requires investment attraction as the key. Last year, Lishui District innovatively constructed the “8541” linkage investment promotion system, held more than 40 various investment promotion activities, and introduced 158 projects worth over 100 million yuan.
From 2023 to 2024, the pace of “attracting large and strong enterprises”, “strengthening chains, supplementing and extending chains”, and “promoting the upgrading and innovation of the manufacturing industry” in Lishui District has been non-stop, with full enthusiasm.
In the new year, Lishui will improve the “8541” linkage investment promotion system, and the “leaders” of eight sectors will take the lead in promoting and leading investment promotion; Five industrial investment departments focus on major industrial projects in their respective fields, including leading, flagship, base, and chain oriented projects; Four specialized investment promotion zones focus on expanding investment information in urban clusters with strong economies and industrial clusters, ensuring that more than 100 projects with a contract value of over 100 million yuan are signed, and striving to introduce more than 2 projects with a scale of 5 billion yuan and more than 1 project with a scale of 10 billion yuan.
To promote the implementation and effectiveness of projects, Lishui continues to optimize its business environment and establish the four “Li” brands, namely “Li Ke Lai” for attracting investment, “Li Ke Ban” for the business environment, “Li Ke Da” for enterprise services, and “Li Ke Dai” for financial support. Through “Four Li synergy”, it has accelerated the development of 57 major projects in provinces and cities and 231 key industrial projects in districts this year.
This year, Lishui will also implement the action of high-quality development of key manufacturing industry chains, focusing on strengthening cluster chains, integrating data and reality, and creating industrial ecology. It will expand and strengthen leading industries such as new energy vehicles and intelligent manufacturing equipment, promote the “1+3+1” advanced manufacturing industry to accelerate towards the mid to high end, ensure an 8% increase in the total industrial output value, and strive to become the “main force” of a strong industrial city by striving for excellence and innovation.
“Two Innovations” Work Together to Add New Energy to Development
Innovation is the primary driving force for development. In the work report of the People’s Government of Lishui District, “innovation” is a high-frequency term that has been mentioned 22 times, reflecting the determination and strength of Lishui to promote innovation.

The integration model of “fast delivery and delivery” has become a typical case in China

In 2023, Lishui will “solve problems” through reform and “guide the way” through innovation, accumulating momentum and empowering high-quality development. Jiangsu Benchuan Intelligent Circuit Technology Co., Ltd., located in Lishui Development Zone, is a national high-tech enterprise engaged in the research and development, design, production, and sales of high-precision circuit boards. In recent years, through intelligent transformation and digital transformation, the enterprise has not only improved product quality, but also greatly improved production efficiency, firmly occupying the top two market share of 5G communication circuit boards, Become a “little giant” in a niche field.
Enterprises are an important force closely integrating technology and economy, and a driving force for innovation and creation. In recent years, Lishui has introduced a package of policies and genuine financial support for enterprise innovation, continuously strengthening the innovation subject hierarchy and enhancing the innovation ability of enterprises. Last year, a total of 209 high-tech enterprise evaluations were passed, 1144 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises were included in the database, 3 provincial-level and 14 municipal engineering technology research centers were added, 120 industry university research cooperation projects were carried out, and the total number of invention patents per 10000 people in the region reached 73.4, setting a new historical high, Selected as a region with significant achievements in innovation and transformation in the manufacturing industry in the province, and included in the list of the second batch of innovative demonstration zones in the selected province.
In the newly released “Top 10 Popular Words of 2023”, there is a special word – new quality productivity. The Central Economic Work Conference once again emphasized the need to promote industrial innovation through technological innovation, especially by using disruptive and cutting-edge technologies to stimulate new industries, models, and driving forces, and develop new quality productive forces. The frequently mentioned “new productive forces” reveal the important position of technological innovation.
The plan of “dual wheel drive” in Lishui is exactly in line with this development direction. “We will be driven by technological innovation and industrial innovation to better promote transformation and development, and take the lead in development.” The main person in charge of the Lishui District Committee said in an interview, “In terms of technological innovation, Lishui relies on the rich scientific and educational resources of Nanjing to create a carrier for the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in the city and a source of agricultural scientific and technological innovation in the Yangtze River Delta.”; In terms of industrial innovation, we will deepen the implementation of the “small upgrade” and “high upgrade plan” actions, focus on the “smart transformation, digital transformation, and online connectivity” of the manufacturing industry, and create an innovative demonstration zone in the province.
By vigorously promoting innovation, Lishui will establish a linkage and continuation mechanism between science and technology innovation funds and industrial funds, to “find money” for scientific and technological innovation and “build bridges” for achievement transformation, and to create an important carrier for the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. At the same time, promoting industrial innovation through technological innovation, deepening digital industrialization and industrial digitization, implementing enterprise cultivation actions such as “small elevation,” “high elevation,” and “specialized, refined, special, and new”, paying more attention to amplifying the “smart transformation and digital transformation” effect through “Internet connection,” striving to add 50 high-tech enterprises and over 1000 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the year, achieving full coverage of “smart transformation and digital transformation” for industrial enterprises above designated size, and accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity, Continuously opening up new fields and tracks for development, and shaping new driving forces and advantages for development.

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