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Lishui New Energy Industry chain latest introduction

Lishui New Energy

Lishui has entered the new energy automobile circuit for more than ten years, gathering more than 100 core parts enterprises, and has become the largest new energy automobile industry base in Jiangsu, and the new energy automobile industry has become a “golden signboard” in Lishui.

New energy automobile industry: “driving” to the world

Since the beginning of this year, the momentum of Lishui vehicle enterprises is very strong, and the new energy automobile industry has “leapt thousands of miles”: Changan Deep Blue S7 model has rolled off the production line in the new plant in Lishui and opened large-scale delivery, and the order has exceeded 10,000; Skyworth EV6 new energy SUV starts from Lishui New Energy Avenue, “driving” into Germany, Russia and other 44 countries and regions around the world; As one of the few enterprises in the city with the ability to produce new energy heavy trucks, Hengtian Lingrui completed the delivery of the first batch of new energy heavy trucks in Nanjing in July 2023.

Core parts industry: whole chain development

In the foil workshop of Longdian Huaxin Company in the development zone, 40 automatic foil machines run 24 hours a day to make parts for big customers such as BYD and Ningde Times. Benefiting from the hot new energy vehicle market this year, the output value of Longdian Huaxin Phase I project has reached 500 million yuan in the first half of the year, and the annual output value of 2023 will reach 1.5 to 2 billion yuan. At present, Lishui has gathered nearly 100 key core parts enterprises such as Xinwangda, Longdian Huaxin and Honeycomb, covering key parts such as power battery, motor, electronic control, automotive chip, compressor, powertrain, etc., forming a sound and resilient new energy vehicle core parts industry chain.

New energy industry projects: landing results

With the landing of new projects one after another, the Lishui new energy automobile industry chain is still thickening and elongating. In the first half of the year, BYD completed the capacity construction of the “eight-in-one” electric assembly project in the first half of 2023, which has accumulated nearly 190,000 new energy vehicle supporting power systems for BYD Group; The third base of Phoenix Electric China laid its foundation in Lishui, with an annual output of 1 million AC/DC charging guns and 1 million sets of body charging sockets…

A complete industrial chain: towards 100 billion

Nowadays, Lishui has concentrated more than 80% of Nanjing’s new energy automobile and bus production capacity and more than 70% of new energy automobile parts supporting capacity, and has become a national torch characteristic industrial base, basically forming a complete industrial chain from vehicle manufacturing to the research and development, production and sales of key parts. Last year, the region’s new energy vehicle industry chain achieved an output value of 45 billion yuan, an increase of 43.7%, of which the industry chain on the industrial output value of the city’s first, the first half of this year has produced 50,000 new energy vehicles.

Upgrade the new energy track: “hydrogen” is installed

Recently, the “Lishui District hydrogen energy Industry Development Plan” was released, putting forward the industrial development goals by 2025 and 2030. “Lishui District to support the development of hydrogen energy industry related policies” was issued simultaneously, introduced a number of encouragement measures. Lishui District has begun to lay out the hydrogen energy industry since 2020, and the first hydrogen energy bus demonstration line and the first commercial hydrogen refueling station in Nanjing will be landed in Lishui in 2021. Among the six future industrial tracks laid out in Nanjing, Lishui District is an important industrial agglomeration area of energy storage and hydrogen energy track.

As the main position of Lishui new energy automobile industry, the development zone is attracting great strength around the new energy automobile industry chain: On the one hand, it aims to extend the chain, supplement the chain and strengthen the chain of headquarters enterprises, industry leaders and specialized new enterprises to expand the radius of investment. On the other hand, it implements the linkage development strategy of “leading enterprises and cooperating enterprises gathering”, optimizes the business to attract business and industrial chain investment, and innovates the investment model to explore the “fund + industry” investment mechanism. Strengthen investment projects and high-quality target enterprise information resource sharing, in the “chain” to seize the project to attract new opportunities.

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