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Lishui company wins national championship again

Lishui company

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of the second and fifth batch of manufacturing individual champion enterprises that have passed the review. Magnesium alloy products produced by Baowu Magnesium Technology Co., Ltd., a key manufacturing enterprise in Lishui District

Once again on the “championship”

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Walking into the production plant of Baowu Magnesium Technology Co., Ltd. (“Baowu Magnesium” for short) located in Dongping Street, the machines in each production workshop are rumbling, the horsepower is at full speed, and trucks loaded with the company’s main products are driving out in an orderly manner. factory area. “We have dozens of trucks transporting products to all parts of the country every day.” A person in charge of Baowu Magnesium said that in the first two months of this year, the company had completed sales revenue of 1.145 billion yuan .

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Baowu Magnesium, formerly known as Yunhai Metal, was founded in 1993 and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2007. It is the first local listed company in Lishui. In September 2023, it was renamed Baowu Magnesium Technology Co., Ltd. After more than 30 years of development, the company has become a high-tech enterprise and individual champion enterprise integrating mining, non-ferrous metal smelting and processing. It has 14 wholly-owned subsidiaries and 4 joint-stock companies across the country .

The company’s main products include magnesium alloys, strontium metal, master alloys, aluminum alloys and magnesium-aluminum alloy die castings, etc., which are widely used in aerospace, transportation, new energy vehicles, green buildings, consumer electronics and new infrastructure. Among them, magnesium and The market share of magnesium alloy products leads the world, and it has formed a complete magnesium industry chain of “dolomite mining → raw magnesium smelting → magnesium alloy smelting → magnesium alloy processing → magnesium alloy recycling”, and is the world’s leading magnesium alloy company .

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As a global leader in the field of light metal materials, Baowu Magnesium has complete product R&D and manufacturing capabilities, and has established innovations such as the “Jiangsu Province Magnesium Alloy Materials Engineering Technology Research Center”, “Jiangsu Province Light Metal Alloy Research Key Laboratory” and “Enterprise Technology Center” Research and development platform, it has established talent intelligence platforms such as “Jiangsu Province Enterprise Graduate Workstation”, “Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base” and “Academician Expert Workstation”, and has established long-term and stable relationships with many scientific research institutes such as Southeast University and the National Magnesium Alloy Materials Engineering Technology Research Center. Cooperation mechanism to jointly carry out product technology research and development and application promotion. Currently, the company has 588 authorized patents and participated in the formulation of more than 20 national and industry standards such as “Magnesium and Magnesium Alloy Hot Extrusion Rods GB/T 5155-2022” .

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Magnesium alloy is currently the lightest alloy among industrial metal materials (density: 1.8g/cm), and it also has good vibration resistance and noise reduction capabilities. With its far-leading market share, Baowu Magnesium’s magnesium alloy products were selected into the fifth batch of national manufacturing individual champion products in 2020 . In 2023, Baowu Magnesium achieved sales revenue of 7.45 billion yuan, raw magnesium production reaching 100,000 tons, and magnesium alloy production reaching 200,000 tons. Magnesium alloy products once again won the national manufacturing individual championship .

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