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Li Qiang holds talks with German Chancellor ScholzLi

On the afternoon of April 16, Premier Li Qiang held talks at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing with German Chancellor Scholz, who was in China for an official visit.

Li Qiang said that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of an all-round strategic partnership between China and Germany. With the joint efforts of both sides, the current development of China-Germany relations is generally stable, and dialogue and cooperation have made positive progress. President Xi Jinping met with Mr. Prime Minister this morning and reached a series of important consensuses, charting the course for the further development of China-Germany relations. China is willing to continue working with Germany to enhance understanding and mutual trust in dialogue, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in cooperation, push China-Germany relations to a new level, gain new results, better benefit the two peoples, and promote common development of the world.

Li Qiang pointed out that the two sides should give full play to the role of dialogue mechanisms at all levels such as the Sino-German government consultations, coordinate and promote various cooperation, promote more optimized and balanced development of bilateral trade, and create cooperation in new energy vehicles, digital economy, artificial intelligence, green development, etc. We will further expand personnel exchanges and provide greater support for exchanges and cooperation in local areas, culture and sports, youth, education, scientific research and other fields. China is unwavering in its determination to expand high-level opening up, is willing to import more high-quality German products, and will continue to provide a better business environment for German and other countries’ companies to invest and operate in China. It is hoped that Germany will relax restrictions on the export of high-tech products to China and take practical measures to provide a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese-funded enterprises in Germany.

Li Qiang emphasized that production capacity issues should be viewed objectively and dialectically from a market perspective and a global perspective, starting from economic laws. From a market perspective, production capacity is determined by the relationship between supply and demand. The balance between supply and demand is relative, while imbalance is common. Moderate production exceeding demand is conducive to full competition and survival of the fittest. From a global perspective, both supply and demand are global. The production capacity of different countries is determined by their respective comparative advantages. As long as cooperation is strengthened, common development can be achieved. China’s new energy industry advantages are obtained through real skills and are shaped through full market competition, rather than relying on government subsidies. The high-quality production capacity that China’s new energy industry continues to provide will make an important contribution to global green development. China is willing to work with Germany and Europe to adhere to fair competition and open cooperation. It is hoped that the EU will adhere to the principles of marketization and fairness and use trade remedy measures prudently.

Scholz said that China is an important cooperative partner of Germany. Germany is willing to work with China to strengthen dialogue and communication at all levels, deepen cooperation in finance, agriculture, green transformation, renewable energy and other fields, promote culture, education, sports and people-to-people exchanges, jointly respond to global challenges such as climate change, and promote Germany-China The all-round strategic partnership has achieved greater development. Germany thanks China for implementing a visa-free entry policy to Germany and is willing to provide more convenience for Chinese citizens to visit Germany. Germany opposes “decoupling” and trade protectionism, and is willing to work with China to create a fair competitive environment and expand bilateral cooperation.

The two prime ministers agreed to implement the results of the seventh round of China-Germany governmental consultations and the third China-Germany high-level financial dialogue, and successfully hold the first China-Germany high-level dialogue on climate change and green transformation and the new China-Germany high-level security dialogue. , the 26th Sino-German Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation and other institutional dialogues to prepare for the next round of government consultations and continue to deepen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, investment, science and technology, industry, people and culture.

After the talks, the two prime ministers jointly attended the Sino-German Economic Advisory Committee symposium, witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents on autonomous connected driving, circular economy, mad cow disease prevention and control, and quarantine of fresh apples exported to China, and jointly met with reporters.

Before the talks, Li Qiang held a welcome ceremony for Scholz at the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People.

Wu Zhenglong participated in the above activities.

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