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Learn from Lei Feng, Practice Civilized Actions

Practice Civilized Actions

Inherit the spirit of Lei Feng and bloom the flower of civilization. March 5 this year is the 61st “Day of Learning from Lei Feng”. On the morning of the same day, the Lishui District “Learn from Lei Feng·Civilized Practice My Action” theme event was held at the Agricultural Science Museum of Fujiabian Science and Technology Park, providing a variety of heart-warming and convenient services to the public , and vigorously promoting “dedication, friendship, mutual help, and progress” Volunteer service spirit and write the “Lei Feng Story” in the new era. Zhang Decai, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, attended the event.

“Strive to be a practitioner of Lei Feng’s spirit, actively practice it, start from the things around you, start from now…” The initiative “Learn from Lei Feng·Civilized Practice My Action” was issued at the event site, calling on citizens to give full play to their business expertise and professionalism Advantages, actively participate in volunteer services, let Lei Feng spirit become conscious action, and jointly create a social atmosphere of conveying friendship and helping each other.

Subsequently, the three-and-a-half-sentence “Civil Code for the Common People”, the skit “The First Most Important Matter”, the allegro “Funeral Reform is Good”, Huangmei Opera duet “Female Consort” and other programs were performed in turn, winning rounds of applause from the audience, creating an atmosphere of Warm event atmosphere.

In order to deepen the civilized practice work in the new era and promote the institutionalization and normalization of volunteer services, a workbench for recruiting civilized practice volunteers was specially set up at the event site to attract more citizens to inherit and practice the Lei Feng spirit, actively participate in volunteer services, and create a positive atmosphere in the whole society. A good atmosphere of advocating virtue and doing good.

Fire safety is more important than Mount Taishan. A fire propaganda video was played at the event. The fire propagandist of the district fire rescue brigade focused on explaining to the passers-by the dangers of charging electric vehicles into buildings and homes, and popularized fire safety knowledge such as home fire prevention and escape as well as “three cleans and three checks” to effectively Improve people’s fire safety awareness and fire self-rescue capabilities.

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