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Key Industrial Project Construction

Industrial Project

On February 20th, Mayor Chen Zhichang conducted a special survey on the construction of key industrial projects. City leaders Liu Wei, Wu Wei, and Huang Hui attended separately.
In the production project of high-temperature alloys and high-end metal functional materials at Beiye, Chen Zhichang inspected the construction situation, inquired about suggestions and demands, and hoped that the enterprise would accelerate the construction progress, start production and achieve results as soon as possible as possible, promote the transformation of more scientific research achievements in Nanjing, and better support the development of the new materials industry in Nanjing. He urged relevant departments and sectors to provide strong support for project construction and enterprise development by providing advanced services.

Nanjing is accelerating the construction of a new energy industry highland, focusing on improving the industrial chain and expanding the industrial scale. Chen Zhichang came to Nanjing Longdian Huaxin High Performance Ultra thin Copper Foil Material Project and had in-depth discussions with relevant leaders. He hoped that the enterprise could focus on specific fields, increase innovation research and investment efforts, and continuously improve its scale and product competitiveness. Upon learning that BYD’s annual production of 840,000 sets of drive motors and core components for electric assemblies has reached full production, Chen Zhichang encourages enterprises to seize the development opportunities of new energy vehicles, adhere to innovative development, continuously expand production capacity, promote the landing of more high-quality resources in Nanjing, and help promote the development and growth of the new energy industry in Nanjing.
Baowu Magnesium Industry is a key headquarters enterprise and listed enterprise cultivated in our city. “How is the project construction progressing?” “What are the problems that need to be solved?” Chen Zhichang came to Baowu Magnesium Industry’s annual production of 60,000 tons of magnesium and aluminum alloy die-casting project to inquire in detail about the company’s development and project progress. He hopes that enterprises can leverage the advantages of headquarters enterprises, promote cooperation and support between upstream and downstream enterprises, and focus on extending the industrial chain and increasing added value; At the same time, we will make greater efforts to promote the “smart transformation of digital to networked connectivity” and strive to achieve high-end, intelligent, and green development.
In the survey, Chen Zhichang emphasized that all levels and departments should focus on key goals and tasks, prioritize the development of the manufacturing industry, adhere to the joint efforts of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, vigorously promote the integration of data and reality , promote the strengthening, supplementation, and extension of the industrial chain, and fully promote new industrialization.
We should focus on attracting project construction, closely monitor milestones, reverse project schedules, timely coordinate and solve difficulties and blockages, and ensure efficient and orderly progress of the project; Efforts will be made to attract a group of large and good projects, and to effectively support new breakthroughs in the construction of a strong industrial city with a batch of incremental projects.
To improve the quality and efficiency of service enterprises, strengthen the coordinated scheduling of factor resources, increase the proportion of “start construction immediately after land acquisition” and “delivery upon completion” projects, smooth the channels for feedback on enterprise demands, and create a first-class environment for the construction of a strong industrial city.

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