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Jiangsu met with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam

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On March 26, Jiang Xin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, met with Su Yushan, deputy director of the Asian and African Market Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, and Chen Guozhan, deputy director of the Import and Export Bureau of Vietnam. The two sides discussed strengthening the economic and trade fields between Jiangsu and Vietnam. Cooperate and have friendly exchanges.

Jiang Xin welcomed Su Yushan and his delegation and briefly introduced the latest situation of Jiangsu’s open economic development. He said that Vietnam is an important economic and trade partner of Jiangsu, with a good foundation for cooperation and huge potential for cooperation between the two parties. The Provincial Department of Commerce will strengthen communication and docking with the Asian and African Market Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between the two parties. The first is to further intensify trade cooperation between the two sides, support local enterprises to participate in key exhibitions organized by the other party, support high-quality Vietnamese goods to enter the Jiangsu market, and build public overseas warehouses for Jiangsu enterprises in Vietnam; the second is to actively promote two-way investment cooperation and make use of exchanges of economic and trade delegations. opportunities, organize investment briefings, strengthen policy publicity and interpretation, and create a good business environment for enterprises from both sides to carry out investment cooperation; third, cooperate to organize various forms of economic and trade exchange promotion activities to provide more platforms and opportunities for pragmatic exchanges and cooperation between enterprises from both sides.

 Su Yushan said that Jiangsu has strong economic strength and high industrial agglomeration, and the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade attaches great importance to strengthening economic and trade cooperation with Jiangsu. At present, China-Vietnam economic and trade exchanges have a good momentum, and mutually beneficial cooperation has broad prospects for development. The Department of Asian and African Markets of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam is willing to cooperate with the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce to establish and improve communication and information sharing mechanisms, strengthen exchanges of economic and trade delegations, and jointly promote The two parties have deepened cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, industrial chain supply chain, and professional exhibitions, and promoted the cooperation between the two parties to continuously achieve new results.

 The two sides also exchanged views on the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade’s plan to establish a trade promotion office in Nanjing.

 Responsible comrades from the Cooperation Office, Foreign Trade Office and Foreign Economic Office of the Provincial Department of Commerce attended the meeting.


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