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In the first half of the year, Nanjing’s tourist satisfaction ranked first in the province


Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism released the “Jiangsu Tourism Tourist Satisfaction Survey and Research Report (First Half of 2024)”.

According to the report, among the 13 districted cities in the province, Nanjing ranks first in the comprehensive index of tourist satisfaction with a score of 85.20, and is also the only city in the province that has reached the level of “high satisfaction” (more than 85 points).

In the first half of the year, with the help of high-tech, digital and other means, with the blessing of 5G, VR, AR, big data and artificial intelligence, tourism, performances, exhibitions, and theaters were able to break through the boundaries of time and space, making new ways of “cultural tourism +” emerge in an endless stream, and new products “bloom”, making tourists “often travel and always new”.

In addition, the city further improves the convenience of Chinese and foreign tourists visiting Nanjing, and constantly optimizes services, so that Chinese and foreign tourists have met with “Ning”.According to the tourism statistics of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the city received a total of 103 million tourists in the first half of the year, an increase of 32% on a comparable basis; The total tourism revenue was 134.7 billion yuan, an increase of 23% on a comparable basis.

According to the “Jiangsu Tourism Tourist Satisfaction Survey and Research Report (First Half of 2024)”, Nanjing has abundant resources of tourist attractions and cultural and museum venues, and often ranks among the national tourist destination cities on holidays, and there are old attractions that can serve as “top stream” positions.

In addition, Nanjing insists on empowering cultural tourism with science and technology, increasing freshness and experience with innovation and creativity, and maintaining a strong attraction to tourists all year round.

The report evaluates tourism satisfaction from nine dimensions: the overall environment of the city, the quality of tourism areas, tourism-related elements, tourism safety and security, the integrated development of culture and tourism, the construction of smart tourism, the promotion of civilized tourism, the integrity of tourism services, and the reputation of tourism.
Taking tourists visiting the city as the survey object, fully considering the basic characteristics of age, education, income, gender and other basic characteristics of the structure, and covering local tourists, foreign tourists, group tourists and scattered tourists, the province sampled 7523 samples, including 1470 samples in Nanjing, also covering tourist attractions, tourist resorts, leisure blocks, cultural and tourism consumption clusters, rural tourism spots, theme tourist spots, cultural and museum venues, star-rated hotels, grade homestays and other tourist places.

On the basis of questionnaire surveys, interviews on key issues, unannounced visits by “mystery tourists”, network public opinion monitoring, etc., and the results of surveys such as the evaluation of industry experts, the report believes that tourists give high evaluations to the overall environment of Nanjing, tourism-related elements, and the integration of culture and tourism, with outstanding tourism reputation, good overall tourism image, high overall satisfaction with integrity management services and safety guarantees, and high recognition of the overall attractiveness of tourist spots, digital cultural tourism experience, and civilized tourism promotion and recognition, and better tourism leisure and operation service providers. The comprehensive index of tourist satisfaction has reached the level of “high satisfaction”, ranking first in the province.

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