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HoNanjing Municipal Press Conference Hall held a press conference

Today, the Nanjing Municipal Press Conference Hall held a press conference, and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the Finance Bureau, the Construction Commission, the Bureau of Commerce, and the Market Supervision Bureau informed Nanjing of the promotion of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in policies.

May 8th

Nanjing issued a large-scale equipment update

and trade-in programs for consumer goods

How is it progressing so far?

According to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission

Since the release of the “Plan” three months ago, about 73,000 units of updated equipment have been updated in various fields, with a total investment of about 24 billion yuan; Automobile subsidies drove consumption of more than 9.5 billion yuanMore than 150 activities were organized to publicize, dock and promote consumption, and the satisfaction and sense of gain of enterprises and the masses were effectively improved.

“Nanjing, as an important central city in the eastern region, a megacity in the Yangtze River Delta and the capital city of Jiangsu Province, has a good manufacturing base, obvious advantages in product supply, developed trade and circulation industry, and great potential for upgrading. In 2023, the retail sales of durable consumer goods such as automobiles and home appliances in the city will exceed 150 billion yuan, and the equipment manufacturing industry will account for more than 50% of the industrial added value above the designated size, laying a solid foundation for promoting the implementation of the ‘two new’ policies. Qian Wei, director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, said that in order to effectively promote investment and consumption and promote high-quality development, the “Plan” proposed:

By 2027, the scale of equipment investment in the city’s eight major fields will increase by about 30% compared with 2023, the proportion of advanced production capacity in key industries will be greatly increased, the market share of high-quality durable consumer goods will increase significantly, and the level of resource recovery and recycling will continue to improve.

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