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Han Liming led a Nanjing delegation to visit the United States to strengthen local and non-governmental exchanges and continue to deepen economic and trade cooperation.

Han Liming

From April 19th to 22nd local time, Han Liming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, led a Nanjing delegation to the United States for an inspection visit to implement the important consensus reached by the heads of state of China and the United States at their meeting in San Francisco. They successively visited the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations and the Chinese Consulate General in New York. Organize exchange activities such as United Nations Chinese Language Day, China·Nanjing—USA·New York Cooperation and Exchange Symposium, Nanjing University (New York) Alumni Exchange Symposium, attend the Nanjing-St. Louis Friendship Day 45th anniversary event, and inspect relevant enterprises, universities and innovation communities, etc., actively promote friendly exchanges with local places in the United States, and expand exchanges and cooperation between Nanjing and all walks of life in the United States in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, and talents.

Fu Cong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, and Huang Ping, Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in New York, met with the Nanjing delegation and pointed out that China and the United States have extensive common interests and mutually beneficial cooperation space, and the foundation of the relationship between the two countries lies in the people and the vitality lies in the local area. Nanjing has a long history and rich resources. It has good bridges and carriers in its exchanges with the United States, such as the Anti-Japanese Aviation Martyrs Memorial Hall. Nanjing should continue to play its unique role in exchanges with the United States, strengthen publicity and exchanges, polish its distinctive brands such as humanities, and contribute to China-U.S. relations. Inject local vitality into stability and development.

Han Liming thanked the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations and the Consulate General in New York for their care and support for Nanjing. He said that serving the overall diplomatic situation of the country is the unshirkable mission of the local government. Nanjing will give full play to the Anti-Japanese Aviation Martyrs Memorial Hall, the first pair of sister cities between China and the United States and other carriers. and platform advantages, seek progress while maintaining stability, keep integrity and innovate, take pragmatic measures to deepen friendly exchanges and cooperation with local governments in the United States, and strive to achieve more fruitful results.

At the China·Nanjing—United States·New York Cooperation and Exchange Symposium, Yao Wenliang, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Consulate General in New York, and Lu Jieyang, Assistant Vice President of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, said in their speeches that the essence of Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations is mutual benefit and win-win results , US-China economic and trade cooperation is in line with global interests. As an important economic town in China’s eastern coastal region, Nanjing is rich in scientific and educational resources and has a good industrial foundation. It has broad space and huge potential for industrial chain and supply chain cooperation with the United States. It is well-positioned to further strengthen two-way investment and achieve more constructive results.

In his speech, Han Liming reviewed the deep roots of exchanges and exchanges between Nanjing and the United States, saying that Nanjing’s rich scientific, educational and human resources, complete industrial supporting facilities, active open attitude, and superior business environment can provide a broad market and expand the market for US-funded enterprises. Investing in new fields and new spaces, we sincerely welcome friends from the American business community and industry to join hands with us to create a better tomorrow.

At the Nanjing University (New York) alumni exchange symposium jointly organized by the Nanjing delegation and the Southeast University Greater New York Alumni Association, more than 20 students from Southeast University, Nanjing University, Hohai University, China Pharmaceutical University and other universities in the United States Distinguished alumni attended the meeting. Everyone talked freely about their hometown and alma mater, put forward valuable opinions on the development of Nanjing, and expressed their willingness to cooperate.

Han Liming said that Nanjing is proud of its universities, innovation is due to universities, and development is due to alumni. In the context of accelerating the development of new productive forces, the alumni economy has increasingly become an effective link between education, technology, and talents. This event is the largest alumni exchange event held overseas by Nanjing in recent years, with the purpose of further amplifying the value of universities and alumni to the high-quality development of the city. She introduced Nanjing’s new changes, new vision, and new momentum to the alumni. She said that overseas alumni are the precious wealth that Nanjing has been waiting for. She hopes that everyone can be a promoter of the transformation of technological achievements, a bridge for Nanjing’s dual recruitment and dual introduction, and a city image. promotion ambassador.

Zuo Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Southeast University, attended the event and delivered a speech. He said that universities are the intersection of the “three firsts” and the intersection of the “three major strategies”. Nanjing universities and Nanjing grow and make progress together. Promoting school-local cooperation and integrated development is a big article. I hope all alumni will work together to promote the in-depth integration of government, industry, academia and research to better serve urban development.

This year marks the 45th anniversary of Nanjing and St. Louis becoming sister cities. The two cities have opened a historical chapter in local exchanges between China and the United States. Close exchanges have never been interrupted. Cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, humanities, science and education, and medical care has continued to deepen, which not only promoted urban development, but also benefited the people of the two cities.

At the friendly exchange day event marking the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the two cities, Han Liming said that Nanjing and St. Louis have different histories and cultures, different levels of development, and each has its own characteristics and advantages. Over the past 45 years, the two cities have used each other’s enthusiasm and sincerity to build friendship and bridges across the vast Pacific. The baseball-themed statues located in the two cities symbolize that the people of the two cities echo each other from a distance, and they come and go frequently. Under the new situation, we should explore the potential of sister-city cooperation, open a larger window for local exchanges between China and the United States, tighten the stronger ties of mutual economic benefit and win-win, create more opportunities for friendly exchanges between the people, and build a healthy, stable and sustainable relationship between the two countries. Make new contributions to local development.

St. Louis Mayor Jones said that both St. Louis and Nanjing are located on the banks of the river and are also urban centers where there is plenty of land. The two cities have a long-lasting friendship and a good cooperative relationship. He hopes that we will continue to work hard based on our many successes in the past and make the next four cities a better place. Fifteen years have been as meaningful as the past forty-five.

Huang Liming, Deputy Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago, said that this year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Nanjing and St. Louis, as the first pair of sister cities established by the two sides after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, have set a model for Sino-US local cooperation. It is hoped that the two sides will take the 45-year relationship as an opportunity to deepen practical cooperation in various fields, join forces and complement each other’s advantages to bring greater development opportunities to each other.

While in St. Louis and Dallas, the Nanjing delegation also visited Coltex Innovation Community, the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and the headquarters of Kimberly-Clark and Celanese Corporation to promote relevant cooperation matters in the fields of biomedicine, new materials, and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. . Executives from Kimberly-Clark and Celanese stated that they will further expand investment in Nanjing, increase technological innovation, and help Nanjing green, low-carbon and sustainable development. Jiangbei New Area signed a relevant project cooperation agreement with Celanese Corporation.

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