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Gulou District holds Jiangsu and Hong Kong civil servants symposium

On April 18, the Jiangsu-Hong Kong Civil Servants Symposium (Drum Tower Special) was held at the Nanjing Drum Tower Innovation Plaza. Lu Yanqing, vice president of Nanjing University, Wang Yuchun, deputy secretary of the Gulou District Committee, Gu Cheng, director of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Nanjing University, representatives of Hong Kong civil servants from the National Affairs Seminar of Nanjing University and representatives of various district government departments and street civil servants attended the discussion.

At the symposium, Lu Yanqing, on behalf of Nanjing University, expressed his gratitude to Gulou District for its strong support of this seminar. He said that the National Affairs Study Course for Hong Kong Civil Servants has grown into an important exchange project for the integrated development of Jiangsu and Hong Kong. Nanjing University and Gulou District have been collaborating sincerely in various aspects such as talent introduction, “dual carbon” industry development, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc. It is expected that all parties will take the opportunity of Secretary Nobunagasei’s visit to Hong Kong and efforts to build a cooperation and exchange platform between Hong Kong and Jiangsu to deeply promote the accumulation and integration of advantageous innovation resources of schools, localities and enterprises, and jointly cultivate industrial innovation and patriotic and Hong Kong talents.

Wang Yuchun welcomed the visit of the delegation of Hong Kong civil servants and introduced the basic features of Gulou District from five aspects: beautiful environment, profound heritage, concentrated resources and complete supporting facilities, developed economy and industrial agglomeration, global innovation and vitality, and grass-roots governance, which are impressive and impressive. Condition. Wang Yuchun said that in recent years, Gulou and Hong Kong have comprehensively deepened cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, science and technology, and culture, and have achieved positive results. He hopes that this forum and exchange will become a vivid practice for the civil servants of the two places to transcend regions, enhance friendship, and deepen cooperation.

Ni Yahong, director of the Gulou District Development and Reform Commission, director of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and first-level researcher, introduced the work of the district development and reform commission to representatives of Hong Kong civil servants. The District Development and Reform Commission takes high-quality assessment as the core and comprehensive economic and special work as the two major starting points to build a “1+2+3” modern industrial system and drive development and renewal through industrial innovation.

Cai Jian, director of the Hunan Road Sub-district Office in Gulou District, introduced the grassroots governance work. Cai Jian introduced in detail the basic situation of Hunan Road Street and the street’s work responsibilities in various aspects such as economic development, grassroots governance, and people’s livelihood security.

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