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Free pulse check! There are a group of special “doctors” in Nanjing


In Nanjing, there is such a group of special “doctors”, who go deep into various industrial enterprises, prescribe the right medicine after some “looking, hearing and asking”, diagnose and “prescribe” for free, help enterprises accelerate the “intelligent transformation and digital transformation and networking”, and promote the transformation and upgrading of high-end, intelligent and green industries.Digitalization is one of the most effective ways to “accelerate” the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Since 2022, Nanjing has coordinated the municipal and district forces and resources to organize and implement the intelligent manufacturing diagnosis project, and selected intelligent manufacturing diagnostic service institutions as special “doctors” through government procurement services, so as to provide free diagnostic services of “intelligent transformation and digital transformation and network connection” for industrial enterprises above the designated size.”As of the first half of this year, through nearly three years, Nanjing has accumulated more than 4,500 free diagnosis services for industrial enterprises above the designated size, realizing the wide coverage of free diagnosis of industrial enterprises above the designated size in the city.” The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology introduced.How do these “doctors” “prescribe” the diagnosis of enterprises? What changes has “the right medicine” brought to enterprises? What did Nanjing gain from this “diagnostic project” and what problems did it find? Recently, the editor conducted an in-depth interview with this group of “doctors”, participating companies and relevant departments.
“House call”

Special “doctors” accurately “take the pulse”

Free diagnosis to help enterprises “intelligent manufacturing”

As a free diagnosis service provider of “intelligent transformation and digital transformation and network connection” in Nanjing’s manufacturing industry, a consortium led by Phoenix (Nanjing) Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuhan E-Works Technology Co., Ltd. and Aerospace Cloud Network Data Research Institute (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. will provide intelligent diagnosis services for 12 Nanjing enterprises in 2023, and Nanjing Automobile Forging Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Nanqi Forging”) is one of them.

“In more than one month, the expert group has gone to the Nanqi Forging site for diagnosis 8 times, each time for no less than 3 hours.” Xu Haijun, general manager of e-works Jiangsu, said that according to the evaluation of the integration of industrialization and industrialization, the company is in the stage of integration and improvement, and has integrated equipment and systems to achieve data sharing across business activities.

Sun Nanzhang, general manager of Nanqi Forging, said frankly that the company had carried out in-depth exploration in automation transformation and digital transformation, and had completed the automatic loading and unloading transformation of some equipment and the construction of workshop production management system, but there were still bottlenecks in improving intelligent development.

How to go further in “intelligent manufacturing” has become the “top priority” of Nanqi Forging.

If you are anxious about what the enterprise is anxious about, the “doctor” will diagnose it for free. According to the diagnosis, there are three main “diseases” of Nanqi forging: the logistics automation rate of the production workshop can be further improved and improved; The data of various systems of the enterprise is not fully connected, and further attention needs to be paid to system integration and data application. There is a lack of process design, which requires the access and application of a professional team.

“We recommend that enterprises carry out CAPP (computer-aided process planning), which can solve the problems of no standardization of process documents, no graphic image support and accumulation of process knowledge. The construction of a data middle platform can solve the problems of disconnection between business operation and assessment, huge workload of data processing and report statistics, and a large number of repetitive statistical calculations and subjective judgments. Xu Haijun said.

Free diagnosis and “prescription” and “prescription” have achieved results. Sun Nanzhang said that through the construction of CAPP system, Nanqi Forging has increased production efficiency by 5% and product quality by 12%. The construction of the data center has shortened the R&D cycle of the enterprise by 9%, reduced energy consumption by 11%, and reduced operating costs by 9%, and successfully established a provincial intelligent manufacturing factory in 2024.

Also benefiting from the free diagnostic service are Nanjing Chervon Technology Co., Ltd. and Gree Electric Appliance (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., whose “doctors” are a consortium led by Shanghai Industrial Automation Instrument Research Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shanghai Ziyi Institute”).

“We organize experts in professional fields to provide enterprises with services such as intelligent manufacturing level assessment, factory on-site visit guidance, smart factory demonstration benchmarking, special training on intelligent transformation and digital transformation, diagnosis exchange and special report, and intelligent manufacturing system solutions.” Chen Yancheng, deputy general manager of the Science and Technology Service Department of Shanghai Ziyi Institute, introduced.

According to the diagnosis, with the rapid development of global business and the improvement of digitalization, the application system and data volume of various business fields are growing rapidly, and the scattered data lacks interconnection and full utilization, resulting in the phenomenon of isolated islands from time to time. There is still room for improvement in the diagnosis and health management, intelligent scheduling and data development and utilization of various types of equipment and equipment involved in the manufacture of air conditioners, such as sheet metal, injection molding, assembly, warehousing and logistics.

There are differences in “symptoms” and “prescriptions”. For Chervon Technology, the expert group proposed to carry out comprehensive data governance and data management based on the digitalization and collaboration of the whole value chain, and at the same time guide enterprises to build an industrial big data platform to realize the visualization of the whole process from equipment, processes, orders, and delivery, and improve the agility of intelligent operations. For Nanjing Gree, the comprehensive analysis and case sharing focused on equipment and equipment management, planning and scheduling, warehousing and distribution, etc., and provided feasible suggestions for its continuous optimization of typical scenarios of intelligent manufacturing.

The diagnosis is immediate. “Relying on the production mode of multi-system integration, the overall logistics efficiency will be effectively improved, collaborative manufacturing will be promoted, the supply chain management cost will be reduced year by year, and the provincial intelligent manufacturing factory will be successfully created in 2024.” The relevant person in charge of Chervon Technology said.

Nanjing Gree has gradually promoted the deployment of network for equipment and energy, realized the full life cycle control of equipment and the reasonable allocation of energy, thereby promoting the reduction of energy consumption costs and labor costs, ensuring the steady improvement of production efficiency, and further strengthening the company’s sustainable development ability.

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