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“Four ways to learn”

Four ways to learn

On the morning of March 7, the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee (Municipal School of Administration) held the opening ceremony of the spring semester, and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Han Liming, made a mobilization for the opening of the class. She emphasized that it is necessary to deeply study and implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation of the National People’s Congress and the important instructions given on the occasion of the opening of the spring semester of 2024 of the youth class of the Central Party School, to profoundly comprehend the great significance and rich connotation of the “four in order to learn”, and to incorporate the practical requirements into the daily routine and grasp it on a regular basis. Continuously consolidate and expand the achievements of the theme education, to promote the new practice of Chinese-style modernization of Nanjing to provide a strong impetus. Shen Wenzu, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting.

Contributing women’s power to the new practice of promoting Chinese-style modernization of Nanjing]

March 7, “March 8” International Women’s Day, the municipal party committee secretary Han Liming visited the city’s outstanding women’s representatives, to the city’s all walks of life, the majority of women in all walks of life, all fronts of the compatriots to send holiday greetings and best wishes. Shen Wenzu, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, participated in the visit and attended the symposium to commemorate the 114th anniversary of International Women’s Day.

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