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Focusing on polypharmaceutical, Nanjing has signed more than 13 billion projects

13 billion projects

The total amount exceeds 13 billion yuan!


A number of major projects have been “launched”.

This morning (May 17), the Yangtze River Delta Biomedical Innovation Research and Industry Development Conference was held in Nanjing.

At the scene, nearly 100 academicians, top experts and leading talents in the national biomedical industry discussed cutting-edge technologies in the field of biomedicine with representatives of more than 400 biomedical enterprises and sought common development of life and health industry. Han Liming, Secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech.

Academicians gathered

Over 10 billion projects, on-site signing

At the meeting, the Nanjing Biomedical Technology and Industry Development Think Tank was formally established, and the first batch of 38 experts were hired. At the scene, a number of biomedical projects in Nanjing were signed, with a total project amount of more than 13 billion yuan.

These projects include:

Creation of a national medical center construction project;

jointly build the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Center project;

Nanjing Hailing Health Industry Development Center Project;

South Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine Integration Industry and Education Center Project;

Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Center Project;

CPIC Home • Nanjing International Elderly Care Community (Phase II) Project, etc.

Subsequently, Jiang Jiandong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and pharmacologist, Zhang Qiqi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, plant genetics and molecular biologist, Hao Haiping, president of China Pharmaceutical University, Cheng Maosheng, president of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Li Jia, director of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other experts and scholars made keynote reports at the conference.

Experts and scholars shared the latest research results and trend analysis in the fields of China’s original chemical drugs, modern life science health governance, original drug research and development and new quality productivity, chemical drug innovation research and practice, and hematological tumor drug research and development.

Nanjing biomedical development

Entering the “Critical Phase”

Biomedicine is one of the innovative industrial clusters that Nanjing focuses on building, and it is also the main direction of Nanjing’s construction of a strong industrial city and the development of new quality productivity.

The research and development of new drugs is leading in the country

Since 2016, the number of drugs approved for clinical trials, clinical trials, applications for marketing, and approved for marketing in Nanjing ranks among the top four large and medium-sized cities in China.

Last year, 94 new drugs were approved, accounting for nearly 1/3 of Jiangsu; 4 Class 1 innovative drugs were approved for marketing, ranking first in Jiangsu.

Enterprises are cultivated to form an echelon

In the field of biomedicine, Nanjing has 1,032 high-tech enterprises, 18 listed companies, and 19 state-level specialized and new “little giant” enterprises7The company was shortlisted as one of the top 100 chemical and traditional Chinese medicine enterprises in China.

The revenue of the city’s biomedical industry exceeded 200 billion yuan.

The cluster strong chain has a good momentum

Three key parks, including Jiangbei New Area, Jiangning High-tech Zone, and Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone, rank among the top 30 in the competitiveness of China’s biomedical parks.

Nanjing played a “combination punch”

Incentivize biomedical enterprises

Brave the “no man’s land” and climb the “alpine zone”

As we all know, biomedical R&D investment is large and long-term, which requires a good development environment. In recent years, Nanjing has introduced a series of policies and measures to join hands with universities and institutes to build a public service platform to create a good environment for biomedical enterprises to bravely enter the “no man’s land” and climb the “alpine zone”.

In recent years, Nanjing has successively issued a package of policy documents such as the Action Plan for Life and Health Science and Technology Innovation, Several Policies and Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of the City’s Biomedical Industry, and the Action Plan for Building a Biomedical Industry Cluster in Nanjing.

In June last year, Nanjing issued the “Three-Year Action Plan for Promoting a Strong Industrial City”, taking biomedicine as one of the innovative industrial clusters to focus on cultivating and growing.

Nanjing’s “2024 Work Points of the Industrial Strong City Action” released at the beginning of this year also proposed to vigorously develop innovative drugs and high-end medical devices.

In addition, Nanjing has also established a full-cycle incentive mechanism for drug and device research and development to support enterprises and hospitals in Nanjing to carry out original research in preclinical technological breakthroughs, multi-center clinical trials, and medical-industrial cooperation and transformation.

Today, in the field of biomedicine, there are about 200 innovation platforms in Nanjing, covering the key aspects of new drug creation;

Nanjing Biomedical Industry Innovation and Transformation Center and other service institutions have blossomed everywhere, and the clinical research of service enterprises has been accelerated again, saving nearly 40 days of ethical approval time for enterprises on average;

The relevant departments of Nanjing have implemented special projects for life and health science and technology for three consecutive years, and provided financial support for the R&D and clinical transformation of drugs and medical devices…… Sometimes, the project is still in its infancy, and Nanjing’s service has already set sail.

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