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Focus on emerging industries


“This year, we have another innovative drug that will be launched on the market, and it is expected to soon become a variety with a market peak of over 1 billion yuan.” Chen Weigong, general manager of Simcere Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. revealed.

The biomedical industry is accelerating its rise

The software and information services industry hears good news again

Currently, the Software Valley Smart City Software Industry Base

Special acceptance has started

After the project is completed

Will take cloud computing and industry application technology as the core

Drive upstream and downstream related enterprises to accelerate the agglomeration

Create a complete smart city industry chain

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that in the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we must seize opportunities, increase innovation, cultivate and expand emerging industries, plan and build future industries in advance, and improve the modern industrial system. Nanjing focuses on the growth of strategic emerging industries, lays out the industrial chain around new-quality productivity, enhances the global competitiveness of its two dominant industrial clusters of software and information services, and smart grids, and competes for new energy vehicles, intelligent manufacturing equipment, integrated circuits, biomedicine, The six major industrial clusters of new materials and aerospace are the commanding heights in China, and one trillion-level, one 500-billion-level, and a number of 100-billion-level industrial clusters will be built to achieve continued growth momentum and new improvements in industrial clusters.

The “national team” leads the way:
two advanced manufacturing clusters, leveraging the trillion-level market

Software and information services, smart grid

As Nanjing’s two major established advantageous industries,

Selected as a national advanced manufacturing cluster

Accelerate the development of new productive forces in accordance with local conditions

The two “national teams” shoulder heavy responsibilities and move forward bravely

Nanjing Yihui Information Technology Co., Ltd. is an independent industrial real-time operating system R&D company. Its product SylixOS has been developed for more than 10 years, and its kernel independence rate has reached 100%. It is used in major projects such as C919 large aircraft, high-speed rail, and satellites. In January this year, the China Aerospace Lijian-1 Yaosan-3 carrier rocket Happy Spring Festival equipped with Yihui SylixOS was successfully launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, successfully sending five satellites into the predetermined orbit.

As the first famous software city in China, Nanjing takes the lead in launching quality improvement and upgrading actions to build a famous software city in China, striving to build a trillion-level national software and information service cluster. 

At present, Nanjing’s software and information services industry has about 4,000 key software-related companies, with about 850,000 software-related employees, and business revenue in 2023 reaching 800 billion yuan.

“By 2028, Nanjing’s industrial software will achieve leapfrog growth, and the revenue scale of industrial software will exceed 50 billion yuan.” The recently issued “Implementation Opinions of Nanjing City on Accelerating the Development of Industrial Software” puts forward long-term goals and makes detailed arrangements for the next few years. With a clear direction and feasible path, we will make every effort to build industrial software into a new advantageous track for Nanjing.

Nanjing is taking industrial software as its core key engine

Strengthen the foundation and build the soul for new industrialization construction

Accelerate the construction of a trillion-level software city

Last month, the comprehensive transformation project of Jiangcheng DC Transmission Project was successfully completed. Nari Relay provided core equipment such as DC control and protection system, water-cooling control and protection system, and measurement system for the project.

DC control and protection system is the “brain” of DC engineering. “We concentrated our superior resources to tackle key problems, quickly completed the development of an independent controllable DC control and protection system, and successfully passed the product identification, achieving 100% localization of all components, and some core indicators are at the leading international level.” NARI continued The person in charge of relevant security stated.

Driven by leading enterprises, the industry has accelerated its “take-off”. Nanjing’s new electric power (smart grid) industry cluster has gathered nearly 1,200 related companies, covering nine key industrial chain links, and leads the country in terms of generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, and dispatch. In 2023, this industrial cluster will achieve revenue of more than 360 billion yuan.

To accumulate development momentum, Nanjing builds two “national teams” with high standards. 

In 2024, the city’s software and information services industry will achieve business revenue of 850 billion yuan, and the new power (smart grid) industry will achieve business revenue of 420 billion yuan.

Policies guide and enterprises forge ahead. Facing a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, Guodian Nanzi has continued to strengthen the application empowerment of digital intelligence technology around the development of strategic emerging industries, and has combined key links in the industrial chain to tap new productivity “power sources”, forming a network including “Ruisi A number of “Rui” series products, including “Industrial Internet Platform”, have been put into practical application.
The rise of “new forces” is accelerating:
stimulate innovation vitality and strive to seize the six “commanding heights”

“The innovative drug that will be launched this year is ‘Xianbixin Sublingual Tablets’. The phase III clinical study was recently published in JAMA magazine. The results showed that for patients with acute ischemic stroke, it can significantly improve their neurological recovery and recovery after treatment. Ability to live independently.” Chen Weigong introduced.

As a pharmaceutical company driven by innovation and R&D, Simcere Pharmaceuticals has been rooted in Nanjing for more than 20 years. It currently has 13 workshops for small-volume injections and APIs, and has more than 30 marketed products.

Innovation is the only way for high-quality development of the biopharmaceutical industry, and all enterprises in the industry regard it as the first driving force for development. The reporter learned that this year, in addition to “Xianbixin sublingual tablets”, Simcere Pharmaceuticals also has many innovative drugs in intensive preparation.

Looking at the map of Nanjing’s biomedical industry, the degree of industrial agglomeration focusing on Jiangbei New Area Biomedical Valley and Jiangning Life Technology Town continues to increase. The National Biopharmaceutical Products Manufacturing Innovation Industrial Cluster in Nanjing High-tech Zone (Jiangbei New District) has been approved as a national-level innovative industrial cluster.

Relevant departments of Nanjing City stated that in recent years, Nanjing has promoted the high-end and cluster development of the biopharmaceutical industry. Policy dividends have been continuously released, corporate innovation has continued to strengthen, and excellent projects, carriers, funds, etc. have accelerated the influx. Industrial development is entering a new era. Explosive period.

The aerospace field is currently one of the most challenging and widely driven high-tech fields, integrating cutting-edge technologies such as high-end manufacturing and artificial intelligence. Origin Space (Nanjing) Technology Co., Ltd. is my country’s first commercial company dedicated to the exploration and utilization of space resources. It has successfully launched spacecraft and space telescopes into space, including the “NEO-01 space mining robot” and the “Looking Up-1” spacecraft. The astronomical telescope has created many “firsts” for China and the world, filling China’s gaps in this field.

The development and utilization of space resources is the commanding heights of current technological competition, and the low-altitude economy is a popular track where the government is accelerating its layout and companies are “entering the market” one after another. It is common to use drones to deliver express delivery, and taking an “air taxi” to work to avoid the morning rush hour is gradually becoming a reality. In 2023, the revenue of Nanjing’s low-altitude economic-related industries will be nearly 3 billion yuan.

Compete for subdivided tracks to help the industry accelerate its “take-off”. Nanjing’s aerospace industry has gathered nearly 80 companies, including China Electric Power 14th Institute, China Electric Power Rice, Chenguang Group, Nanjing Electromechanical Hydraulics, Metalink, Sinoma Technology, Nanjing Enright, and Saida Technology, to build a power-driven aerospace industry. An industrial system focusing on system manufacturing, airborne system manufacturing, drone research and development, air traffic control system development, etc.

Focusing on the growth of strategic emerging industries, Nanjing strives to seize the domestic commanding heights of six major industrial clusters and strives to build 2-3 more national advanced manufacturing clusters. In 2023, business revenue from aerospace, biomedicine, new energy vehicles, new materials and other industries will all maintain double-digit growth.

Original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation are the core elements for the development of new productive forces. The National High-Performance Membrane Materials Innovation Center, which was successfully approved last year, has made Nanjing a breakthrough in the construction of a national-level manufacturing innovation center. At present, the center focuses on the research and development of common technologies in the membrane industry such as special separation membranes, biomedical membranes, and water treatment membranes. It has achieved the first commercial application of 7 key common technologies and incubated 4 companies.

Stimulate innovation vitality and create new advantages for industrial development. The person in charge of the center said that in response to the major needs in the fields of high-end chemicals for integrated circuits, biomedicine, and new energy, the center will accelerate breakthroughs in key common technologies in the field of membrane materials, promote the engineering and industrialization of key technologies in the membrane materials industry, and drive radiation. The industry as a whole improves.

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