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First in Nanjing in the New Year

Nanjing, the first store economy

Today, Nanjing Kent Composites Co., Ltd. officially landed on the GEM board, stock abbreviation: Kent Stock Stock Stock Code: 301591. this debut financing of 405 million yuan, will be used for the company’s expansion of the construction project and replenishment of the flow.

Kent Co.

Is the first listed company in Nanjing in 2024

at the present time

Nanjing has listed companies 162 homes

Of which, domestic listed companies 125 homes

Seventh largest in the countrydata show

In 2023, A-share added 313 new listed companies, of which 58 were added in Jiangsu Province, and the number of new listings, the total amount of capital raised, and the total market capitalization all topped the national list.

In recent years, Nanjing has introduced a series of policies to support the listing of enterprises, continuously optimizing and improving the precise service mechanism for enterprises to go public, and encouraging and guiding enterprises to make use of the capital market to achieve optimal allocation of resources and improve core competitiveness.Nanjing has added 52 new listed companies since 2020, including 7 new listed companies last year.

According to the introduction, Kent was founded in 2001 in Jiangning District, Nanjing. The company won the fourth batch of national “specialized, special and new small giants” enterprises, Jiangsu Province, “specialized, special and new small giants” enterprises, Jiangsu Province, science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, Jiangsu Province, small and medium-sized enterprises in the construction of innovation capacity demonstration enterprises, China’s plastics processing industry, excellent scientific and technological innovation enterprises. etc.

The main business of Kent is the research and development, production and sales of high-performance engineering plastic products and components. The company’s high-performance engineering plastic products and components with high pressure, high and low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, creep resistance, low dielectric loss, high impedance and other excellent performance, end-products can be widely used in valves and compressors and other general machinery manufacturing, communications equipment manufacturing, high-speed railroads and rail transit equipment manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, instrumentation manufacturing, medical equipment, semiconductor equipment, environmental protection equipment, wind power equipment, etc. etc.

Nanjing’s listed companies are generally operating in a stable manner

Positive development dynamics

The 2022 annual report shows that the total assets of listed companies in Nanjing are 7.5 trillion yuan, accounting for 55.81% of the province; the net assets are 1.13 trillion yuan, accounting for 35.32%; the total operating income is 1.01 trillion yuan, accounting for 30.28%; and the net profit is 87.866 billion yuan, accounting for 35.69%.All four major financial indicators ranked first in the province.The total market capitalization of domestic listed companies is 1.41 trillion yuan, and the market capitalization of three listed companies, namely, China Electric Nanrui, Bank of Jiangsu and Huatai Securities, exceeds one hundred billion yuan. Next step, Nanjing will deeply implement the requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference, the Central Financial Work Conference and the Provincial Financial Work Conference, adhere to the main keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability, coordinate development and safety, better utilize the hub function of the capital market, make the group of high-quality listed companies bigger and stronger, and continue to improve the quality of listed companies.

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