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“Smart Manufacturing Camp”—“Crossing 100 Billions, Gathering Industries, and Creating the Future”

December 19, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

1 11 Result

On December 29, 2022 the second themed salon event of the 2021 Development Zone Entrepreneurs “Intelligent Manufacturing Camp” was held as scheduled. The theme of this salon event is “Crossing 100 billion, gathering industries, and creating the future.” 18 high-growth companies jointly discussed topics such as expanding the total amount of advanced manufacturing, strengthening manufacturing clusters, and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. Ma Jingjie, deputy general manager of State Grid Nanjing Integrated Energy Services Co., Ltd., Wang Jing, general manager of the small business finance department of the Lishui Branch of the Bank of Nanjing, and Ming Zhong, director of the Labor Insurance Office of Nanjing Lishui Development Zone, were invited to discuss development with entrepreneurs.

Government and enterprises work together to seek common development

In recent years, Lishui Development Zone has achieved sustained, rapid and healthy economic and social development, and the agglomeration of leading industries such as new energy vehicles, airport industries, and comprehensive health has accelerated.

Zhang Qi, deputy director of the Economic Development Bureau of the Lishui Economic Development Zone Management Committee, mentioned in his speech that the “Intelligent Manufacturing Camp” platform is a new link for government-enterprise communication in the enterprise service work of the Lishui Development Zone. He hopes to hear from each event More voices from enterprises will actually help enterprises solve problems. The main direction of economic development in the development zone in 2022 is to be based on entities and create industrial landmarks. The second is to provide precise services and strengthen the support of cultivating market entities. The third is to pay close attention to the industry. Quality and efficiency, accelerating the pace of digitalization and technological improvement; fourth, reform and innovation to enhance the brand advantage of the business environment. Lishui Development Zone has set goals for development and moved forward bravely to open a new chapter.

Experts discuss energy-saving development

During the event, Ma Jingjie, deputy general manager of Nanjing Integrated Energy Services Co., Ltd., shared the power supply and demand balance situation in 2022, the latest electricity price policy interpretation and energy saving and carbon reduction planning suggestions with the entrepreneurs present, to help enterprises save energy and electricity and scientifically plan electricity consumption. Provide new directions for exploration.

Subsequently, Wang Jing, general manager of the Small Business Finance Department of the Lishui Branch of the Bank of Nanjing, gave a detailed introduction to the financial products of the Bank of Nanjing. Bank of Nanjing has thoughtfully launched different financial support programs for enterprises at different stages of development to effectively help enterprises solve financing difficulties and other problems. Ming Zhong, director of the Labor Insurance Office of Nanjing Lishui Development Zone, gave an in-depth interpretation of the Lishui District Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Guide and recommended a series of incentive and subsidy policies.

The three guests provided comprehensive guidance to enterprises in terms of energy conservation and power consumption, financial support, and employment policy support to empower enterprises.

Serve with heart and focus on development

Since this year, Lishui Development Zone, as the main battlefield for economic construction in the region, has used precise services for enterprises and innovative service methods to protect enterprise production. While closely knitting epidemic prevention and control, it has made every effort to serve enterprises on the front line. Shop waiter”. By organizing “Intelligent Manufacturing Camp” activities for entrepreneurs, the development zone listens to the voices of enterprises in the development process, understands their demands, and truly meets face-to-face and considerately with enterprises.

During the event, entrepreneurs shared their experience in corporate development and growth, and also expressed their determination to continue struggling and scale new heights in the coming year. At the same time, 18 companies participating in the meeting conducted exchanges and discussions on aspects such as reducing costs, increasing efficiency, retaining and employing people, and discussed ways to develop enterprises under the new situation. At the same time, through in-depth sharing and exchanges, everyone also raised the common difficulties encountered in enterprise development, such as difficulties in retaining non-local employees, rising raw material costs, factory land, university linkage, enterprise labor shortage, high energy demand, etc., and the development zone enterprise services The department provided answers on the spot and promised to continue follow-up services to help enterprises solve their problems.

It is reported that the “Smart Manufacturing Camp” activity for entrepreneurs in Lishui Economic Development Zone is committed to promoting high-quality growth of the regional economy and green growth of enterprises, and continues to create a high-quality platform for cross-border exchanges that closely surrounds the industrial chain. Lishui Development Zone will rely on the open communication platform of “Intelligent Manufacturing Camp”, discuss enterprise development issues with a constructive perspective through a broad vision and open attitude, and go all out to stabilize growth, seek development, promote transformation, and strive to serve The vanguard of building a new “dual cycle” development pattern, striving to develop and win in Lishui.

2 10 683x1536 Result 3 7 683x1536 Result 4 9 683x1536 Result


December 19, 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:
Graphic design - Design

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