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Consumption, Nanjing’s most secret good card

Nanjing's most secret

 Torrent Finance Club

This Dragon Boat Festival, the entire Yangtze River Delta foreign business circle is paying attention to a game in Nanjing.

On June 8, the 2024 Nanjing Foreign-invested Enterprise Dragon Boat Invitational Race and the 2024 Nanjing International Consumption Festival (Summer) were launched in Baijiahu 1912 International Block.

About 500 contestants from 21 teams from Yangzi Petrochemical-BASF, BSH and Changan Mazda competed on the same stage. At this moment, the “heat” of Nanjing’s consumer market and the “openness” of Nanjing’s urban temperament complement each other, which is extremely impressive.

From this moment on, Nanjing’s summer consumption promotion activities can be said to have officially kicked off. This summer alone, Nanjing will hold 500 consumption promotion activities, from June to September, an average of more than 4 a day.

Many people think that Nanjing’s science and technology are strong and industry is strong, but in fact, Nanjing’s consumption is also strong. In 2021, it will be the “No. 1 city in terms of per capita consumption in China”; In the sales ranking of shopping malls in the country last year, Nanjing Deji was second; The world’s first stores and Asia’s first stores are piling up in Nanjing; In 2023, the total amount of social zero in the city will be 820.05 billion yuan, an increase of 4.7%.

Nanjing’s consumption, why is it so good?

The cross-border integration of five fields is rare

First of all, Nanjing’s consumption characteristics, the cross-border integration of the five major fields of “business, culture, tourism, sports and health” is indeed relatively rare.

Take this dragon boat race, for example. You may not know it, but this foreign-invested enterprise dragon boat invitational race has been held for 20 years. As an annual event in Nanjing’s tourism and business circles, the Dragon Boat Invitational Race for Foreign-invested Enterprises has become a unique city “business card” of Nanjing.

The innovative combination of the brand’s sports events and the 2024 Nanjing International Consumption Festival (Summer) was launched simultaneously during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, which has attracted much attention. At present, a total of 113 Fortune 500 companies have invested in Nanjing, and a total of 235 legal entities, branches and branches have been established. By the end of 2023, Nanjing had attracted a total of 17,188 foreign-invested enterprises from 133 countries and regions, with a total investment of US$274.1 billion.

There is another data that is more interesting: in 2023, the scale of profit reinvestment of foreign-funded enterprises in Nanjing will increase by 108% year-on-year, accounting for nearly 60% of the actual foreign investment, which means that foreign investment in Nanjing is very optimistic about the city, willing to continue to increase the weight, and willing to deeply bundle.

The paddle board that these foreign competitors entered the water together was regarded as the most powerful “vote of confidence” they cast for the development of Nanjing. The cross-border collaboration between this event and the consumption festival is not only a silhouette of Nanjing’s urban opening, but also a symbol of Nanjing’s international consumption.

Returning to Nanjing’s consumption, the cross-border integration of the five major areas of “business, culture, tourism, sports and health” can be summarized as follows: linking resources such as surrounding scenic spots, cultural and museum venues, and sports centers, integrating elements such as performing arts, e-sports, animation, sports, and trendy toys according to local conditions, and introducing activities such as international urban leisure tourism festivals, cultural and art festivals, sports carnivals, and e-sports on-site competitions, so as to create a complex consumer agglomeration area integrating shopping, catering, leisure, entertainment, and sports.

Next, there are more points of cross-border integration: Nanjing Tourism Group held the 3rd Jinling Qixi Cultural Festival in the Jinling STYLE block, which is said to have a lot of “innovative” scene experiences; The Municipal Sports Bureau will hold the 2024 China Street Dance League (Nanjing Station) in Laomendong; The fireworks show of Tangshan Happy Water World, the Wuxiang Summer Party in Wuxiang Water Town, and the Mountain and Sea Beast Light Festival in Jinniu Lake are also very good to see.

It is the main focus of a full-time whole territory, and it is right to come to Nanjing in summer.

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