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Cap! Lishui, a trading market, is about to be put into use


RecentlyIt has attracted much attention from the market Lishui Yuda second-hand car trading market(After operation, it will be renamed as “Jinsuwan Automobile Trading Market”)

The main body of the project has been capped

It is expected to be delivered in November

Walking into the construction site of the project, there are many tower cranes, rumbling machines, and various safety warning slogans are hanging eye-catching…… This is the construction site of the Lishui Yuda second-hand car trading market project built by Yuda Metal Company, a district industrial group with an investment of 200 million yuan. The project is located in the west of Provincial Highway 204 and south of Tianshengqiao Avenue, covering an area of 21.4 acres, with a total construction area of 39,488 square meters, and is a 5F building with a parking garage (aboveground, underground, roof), which is a modern second-hand car market integrating display, trading and office. Construction will officially start in early December 2023.

According to reports, the public buildings with a single construction area of more than 5,000 square meters in the Yuda second-hand car market project are all prefabricated buildings, with a prefabricated assembly rate of not less than 45%, and the public parts have been fully decorated and delivered. At the same time, the application ratio of “three boards” (prefabricated interior and exterior wall panels, prefabricated stair slabs, and prefabricated floor slabs) has reached a high standard of not less than 60%, ensuring the dual improvement of building quality and aesthetics.

Business layout

The first floor is the boutique vehicle display area, focusing on the first-line brand 4S stores, second-sale boutique cars and merchants’ high-end boutique car display area;

The second floor is the ordinary vehicle display area, focusing on the ordinary vehicles that have been evaluated and certified by the merchants, and the price is between 100,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan;
The third floor is mainly an automobile service area, focusing on automobile transaction services, vehicle appraisal and certification, automobile insurance services, automobile financial services, etc.;

The fourth floor is the special automobile service area, which intends to cooperate with the dealers of large enterprises and public institutions like Suning Tesco Automobile Company or dealers of special vehicles (similar to small models such as large-displacement cars);
The fifth floor is the daily office, Internet of Things incubation base, intelligent management company, etc.
Basement and roof parking are mainly commercial inventory vehicles or large car dealers inventory vehicles storage places.

“At present, the second-hand car transaction scale in our region is small, the market is fragmented and the transaction cost is high, which is difficult to meet the market demand.” Dai Gang, general manager of Yuda Metal Co., Ltd., an industrial group in the district, introduced that after the Lishui Yuda second-hand car trading market is put into use, it will fill the gap in the large-scale and standardized second-hand car trading market in Lishui District, and become an important platform for second-hand car trading in Lishui District and even the border of Jiangsu and Anhui, injecting new vitality into regional economic development.

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