
“Light makes the world, we create light”


A newly established company Why can it attract many “big guys”? Light makes the world And they cast the light Let’s take a look at a story about “light”. 👇 […]

Polestar Technology Headquarters, officially in operation!

Polestar Technology

On August 13, Polestar officially opened its headquarters in Nanjing, marking the integration of Polestar into Nanjing’s connected technology ecosystem. In January this year, Nanjing’s “Breakthrough Year for Investment Promotion” […]

What do you think of autonomous driving?

The self-driving taxi “LuoBoKuaiPao” was launched in Wuhan, Hubei, and quickly sparked heated discussions. The price ranged from 4 to 16 yuan per 10 kilometers, attracting many citizens to queue […]

It takes a lot of patience to seize the day

○ Aiming at the low-altitude economy, the newly signed Guangdong Zhilian oil-electric hybrid UAV project landed in Jiangbei New Area Research and Innovation Park; Strengthen the regional leading industries, and promote […]

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