
The life of Nanjing tea

The life of Nanjing tea

Nanjing It is a city that is closely related to tea culture In the various stages from the germination to the popularization of tea culture The city of Nanjing plays […]

Up 450,000! Hexi is the first to pick up!

Someone joked about the “millet effect”?Actually, it’s just one factor.In other words, Xiaomi is a symbol of the landing of the industry in southwest Hebei, and there is a heavyweight headquarters […]

Officially unveiled! School-local cooperation

School-local cooperation

On May 22, the expert workstation of the Agricultural Health Research Center of Nanjing Agricultural University was officially unveiled in Zhishan Village, Jingqiao Town, Lishui District, and the General Party Branch […]

Why did you choose this location for A key project?

A key project

A key project of the aerospace industry in Jiangning Development ZoneBreaking new ground Recently, Nanshan Feizhuo Aerospace Industry Co., Ltd. signed a contract for the intelligent manufacturing project of ultra-long […]

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