
The output value soared by 30%! What is the secret of Lishui?


Located in Lishui Development Zone, Lishui Company of National Energy Longyuan Environmental Protection Nanjing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Nanjing Longyuan Lishui Company”) has been deeply involved in Lishui for more than […]

United Kingdom power station, made by Nanjing enterprises!


The master was successfully delivered The project officially entered the installation and commissioning stage Main equipment successfully delivered, project officially enters installation and commissioning phase. Recently, TICA-EXERGY, a subsidiary of […]

“Heavy drama”, Nanjing sings like this

Heavy drama

On July 10, Jinling Huntsman invested in a new high-purity isobutylene project in the Jiangbei New Materials Science and Technology Park; On July 12, the municipal government signed a strategic […]

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