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Artificial Intelligence changes our lives

A new keyword in the government work report of this year’s National Two Sessions has sparked heated discussions – the “artificial intelligence +” action. It is worth noting that this is the first time that “artificial intelligence +” has been included in a government work report. What signals does the country send out by carrying out this action? Experts interpreted it.

“Artificial Intelligence +” was included in the government work report for the first time

Let’s first take a look at the specific statements in the government work report. When talking about “new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation”, he affirmed the “fruitful achievements in key core technologies” and specifically mentioned that “innovative achievements in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence and quantum technology are constantly emerging.” When talking about “vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new productive forces,” the report said that we will deepen the research and development applications of big data, artificial intelligence, etc., carry out the “artificial intelligence +” action, and create an internationally competitive digital industry cluster. .

Wei Kai, Executive Deputy Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: We have reached this stage. We promoted the digitalization of various industries some time ago, and the next stage is intelligence. “Artificial Intelligence +” is just right at the current stage. The timing is very good.

The market size of generative artificial intelligence last year was 14.4 trillion yuan.

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The vigorous development of artificial intelligence in my country is bringing new empowerment to all walks of life and bringing new opportunities for the development of enterprises and individuals. Data from the CCID Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shows that in 2023, the enterprise adoption rate of generative artificial intelligence in my country has reached 15%, and the market size is approximately 14.4 trillion yuan. Experts predict that generative artificial intelligence is expected to contribute nearly 90 trillion yuan in economic value to the world in 2035, of which my country will exceed 30 trillion yuan.

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