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Approaching Nanjing to recruit businessmen


A few days ago, the project that Wang Qian followed up completed the industrial and commercial registration. The person in charge of the company said directly, “It takes 20 days from contact to implementation. It is so efficient. We have chosen the right place!” The company that landed is a service industry enterprise that meets the regulatory requirements. It is expected to become a major taxpayer that year.

Wang Gan is an investment promotion staff member of the Third Investment Promotion Bureau of Jiangbei New District Central Business District. His work rhythm is a vivid microcosm of the investment momentum of the entire central business district.

The pace is faster, the atmosphere is better, the energy is stronger, and there is a greater sense of accomplishment… What is hidden behind these personal feelings from the front line of investment recruitment is worth exploring.

01 Reshape the mechanism to comprehensively tackle difficulties and attract investment

“It’s efficient because I’m not fighting alone.” The size of the projects Wang Gan attracted to land was not large in the central business district. But he can clearly feel that this kind of collaboration is smooth and all-round, from mechanism guarantee to teamwork to leadership support.

The four major actions of “serving enterprises, project construction, research and production integration, and investment promotion” are the main lines of Jiangbei New District’s work this year. After the four major action mobilization orders were issued, the Central Business District quickly formed four major action plans. The “2024 Central Business District Investment Promotion Action Plan” clearly states that in conjunction with the area’s leading industry directions, the investment promotion organizational structure will be optimized and adjusted to set up “three bureaus and one center”, including the headquarters investment promotion bureau, the new financial investment promotion bureau, the comprehensive health investment promotion bureau and the Investment support center.

As soon as the plan came out, the central business district quickly completed mechanism adjustments. In the investment promotion system, each unit and individual subdivides the main direction of attack according to the industry field, and sets up a project management system. What was originally an investment promotion department has become an “investment promotion system” with a complete mechanism and stronger power.

Project managers like Wang Qian will participate in the entire process of enterprise implementation. There will also be support staff to assist in the process of contacting enterprises, selecting carriers, completing various approvals, completing industrial and commercial registration, etc.

Carrying a laptop wherever he goes has become a habit of Zhao Ximin, an investment recruiter from the Second Investment Bureau. Firstly, the frequency of going out to solicit investment has increased significantly, and he needs to take advantage of every opportunity to handle desk work while he is out. Secondly, the computer is also an important tool for his learning. Whenever he is free, whether during lunch break or in the evening, he will turn on the computer to collect and learn the latest information in the industry field he is responsible for.

Investment recruiters are an important “window” connecting the city with the outside world . Most of the time, the investment recruiters standing at the “front” will directly affect investors’ first impression of a region.

“Now that everyone has their own niche, we can further improve our professional capabilities, thus enhancing our ability and weight in dialogue with merchants.” Zhao Ximin is mainly responsible for the headquarters economy and cross-border trade. , who has many years of experience in front-line investment promotion, he also summed up his own “unique secrets” for learning, “I concluded that the best way to learn is to discuss experience with those entrepreneurs, and then go back to check the information and organize it.”

The relevant person in charge of the Central Business District said that currently, the business district is still studying to transform the investment support center into an investment management center, upgrade it from simple business support to an “investment brain”, and recruit a group of comprehensive people who understand both planning and industry. By establishing digital management methods, we combine the experience formed by each investment group and investment bureau with the industry to form an investment skills pool and deeply empower front-line investment personnel.

02 “Baton” encourages real work

At 10 o’clock in the evening on April 3, Li Lei, who had just returned from a business trip to Shanghai and had a quick meal, was about to embark on her way home. Seeing that the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday is approaching, she visited 6 companies in the past two days. The full schedule brought a lot of harvest.

“The competition for investment is sometimes a competition of ‘speed’. At present, the competition for investment in various places is extremely fierce. If you slow down, you may miss a good project.” Li Lei is in charge of the financial industry section of the Second Investment Bureau. This graduate from Cambridge The post-90s generation, who went to university and has been engaged in investment recruitment for four years, is full of energy.

In order to work together to attract investment, in addition to adjusting the organizational structure, the Central Business District also carried out reforms in the assessment mechanism. For example, in terms of salary, 30% of the salary of the investment team is put into the incentive fund pool. According to relevant assessment indicators, those who work harder will get more.

After learning about an investment promotion information, Zhang Wei, the head of the Third Investment Promotion Bureau, visited dozens of projects in multiple locations of the company to study and inspect. Hard work pays off, and just recently, this sizable project has been signed and implemented.

“As a front-line staff in investment promotion, I deeply feel the importance attached to investment promotion work in the new district and business district, so that front-line staff have no worries, which is a great incentive for us.” Zhang Wei said that preliminary progress has been made in project negotiations. Later, the business district and the other party jointly established a special project promotion team to assist the company in completing various implementation matters. During this period, the main leaders of the new district also specially led a team to visit to promote the progress of the project, which played a vital role in the implementation of the project.

The assessment points the way and the leaders take the lead, giving these front-line investment recruiters unprecedented confidence. The “baton” of assessment points to hard work, which greatly stimulates the fighting spirit of this elite team, which is composed of graduates from famous schools at home and abroad and senior businessmen. A healthy competition has also been formed between the teams. Everyone chases after each other to strive for performance. This This kind of competition is expansionary and beneficial to team growth.

As the person in charge of the Third Investment Bureau, Zhang Wei leads his team members to hold a brief meeting every week. The meeting does not lie, but just discusses the projects at hand and puts forward the problems that need to be solved. Today, each member of his team visits or receives at least 2-3 companies every day, travels at least once a week, and their weekly investment list is filled to the brim.

An investment recruiter bluntly said that few people work just for the salary incentive, but the change of the “baton” assessment makes everyone realize that now is a good time to work, those who are capable will be promoted, and those who are promising will be promoted. .

03 Build a different “new city center”

During the Qingming Festival holiday, the Qilong River Paradise on the bank of the Yangtze River was crowded with tents and kites were flying everywhere. Some photography enthusiasts used drones to take aerial photos of children laughing and playing among lush greenery and flowers, which spread throughout the “circle of friends”.

Setting up tents and flying kites in the CBD, this unique fun for Jiangbei people has become very popular. Nowadays, every weekend and holiday, it attracts many Jiangnan residents and even tourists from around Nanjing to come and have fun.

A large park close to nature exists in the center of a city filled with high-rise buildings, giving the city a unique feel.

Modern, international, exquisite and dynamic, the new main city is to show its extraordinary temperament, respond to the enthusiastic attention and expectations, and welcome the arrival of more innovative entrepreneurs.

“The city’s appearance is changing with each passing day, the transportation pattern has been expanded, and education and medical resources have become more high-quality and abundant. These are the absolute confidence for us to go out to talk about investment.” Liu Chan, an investment promotion staff of the Second Investment Bureau, said with emotion, talking about various resources in the region, she Countless treasures.

Three subway lines, Line 4 (under construction), Line 10 and Line 11 (under construction), intersect; Nanjing No. 1 Middle School Jiangbei New District Education Group, Jiangbei Fangcaoyuan Primary School, Gulou Kindergarten Jiangbei New District Campus and other high-quality educational resources gather; The Jiangbei New District Library, the country’s first national library jointly built by the National Library, opened last year, and the new Nanjing Art Museum under construction is also within the jurisdiction… This is a good place for starting a business and buying a property with “abundant water and grass”.

The construction of a new city does not happen overnight. From “starting” to “taking momentum”, it requires extraordinary strength to climb up again. Jiangbei New Area proposed to shape the central business district with an urban pattern of “one center, two communities, three clusters, four axes, and five districts”. The new city center of 2.5 square kilometers is the focus of construction at the moment. According to relevant plans, in the next three years, the Central Business District will focus on building a new city center with an international urban style modern business district, accelerate urban construction, introduce high-quality industrial resources, create a new financial system integrating multiple business formats, and form a top-level commercial district. A high-end, diverse and trendy business circle system with resources as the leader.

As soon as the holidays are over, the investment promotion personnel in the central business district set off immediately and rushed on the road following the investment information.

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