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Amplifying advantages and accelerating the development of new quality productivity

Amplifying advantages and accelerating

On May 11, Han Liming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, carried out a series of surveys on “Amplifying Advantages and Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity” in Xuanwu District and Qinhuai District. She emphasized that the central urban area has obvious advantages in the concentration of innovation resources, talents and location, and has good conditions for accelerating the development of new quality productivity.

Data is a high-quality factor of production that forms new qualitative productivity. In recent years, Xuanwu District has introduced and cultivated a number of high-quality projects in key directions such as data element industry and future information industry.

Jiangsu International Data Port focuses on window functions such as one-stop cross-border data circulation, digital project attraction, laboratory cultivation, and scenario incubation, and is committed to building a core node of data circulation in the province.

Dahan Software has been deeply engaged in the field of digital government for a long time, providing support for helping enterprises benefit the people, digital and intelligent transformation, improving administrative efficiency and modernizing social governance.

Tongcheng Business Travel focuses on providing services such as the “Belt and Road” international business travel resource sharing and information exchange of world trade exhibitions, helping enterprises to go global and bring in.

Han Liming went deep into relevant platforms and enterprises to learn more about the development of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. She said that data is the key force to give birth to new industries, new models and new kinetic energy, and the data element industry is also an emerging industry suitable for the development of the central urban area. Based on its own conditions, it is necessary to accurately select subdivided fields, strengthen scenario empowerment and demand traction, and vigorously cultivate a good ecology for the development of the data industry.

Relying on the platform of universities and institutes and central enterprises in the district, Qinhuai District has improved the spatial layout of “one park, one lane and two bay areas” and accelerated the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries.

China Unicom Internet of Things Co., Ltd. is a unified platform for foreign cooperation of China Unicom’s Internet of Things business, and continues to make efforts in emerging fields such as industrial Internet and trusted supply chain.

Relying on the 55 institutes of China Electronics Science and Technology, the China Electric Core Valley High Frequency Device Industry Technology Research Institute has carried out scientific research and achievement transformation around terahertz technology and millimeter wave chips.

AVIC Jincheng Unmanned Systems Co., Ltd. focuses on the R&D and manufacturing of small and medium-sized high-end UAVs, and its products serve smart cities, emergency management and other fields.

Han Liming conducted in-depth enterprise inspections and encouraged relevant enterprises to strengthen original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation and better play a leading role. She said that the central enterprises and scientific research institutes in Nanjing are the key support for the development of new quality productivity in Nanjing, and the territory should make every effort to provide service guarantees, continue to deepen business docking and innovation cooperation, promote the local transformation of more achievements, and accelerate the formation of aggregation effects and new growth points.

During the survey, Han Liming emphasized that the population and economic density of the main urban area are high, and it is necessary to go all out and shoulder the heavy burden on the main battlefield of high-quality development.

Based on the characteristics of regional conditions, we should strive to build an urban industrial system, vigorously develop advantageous industries such as digital economy, platform economy, headquarters economy, building economy, modern finance, high-end business and trade, cultural and tourism consumption, create intensive and efficient innovation space and a dynamic and open innovation ecology, continue to accelerate kinetic energy reengineering, and promote transformation and development.

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