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A signing, the goal of two “100 billion”

100 billion

NARI Group will sprint

The goal of “100 billion” revenue in 2030

At the same time, the Jiangning Development Zone will be promoted

Build a NARI industrial ecosystem with an output value of “100 billion”.

On August 16, Nanjing Jiangning Development Zone and State Grid NARI Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NARI Group) held a cooperation conference on “Cultivating New Quality Productivity and Building a ‘Double 100 Billion’ Industry”, which fully opened the curtain of in-depth industrial cooperation.


The “chain master” pilots

Building a “Peak” on the “Plateau”

Last year, Nanjing issued the “Action Plan for Promoting a Strong Industrial City” and established a special class for the new power industry in Nanjing.

At present, Jiangning Development Zone has gathered 265 new power enterprises, including 15 listed companies and 2 10 billion enterprises, and the enterprises in the park have mastered more than 90% of the technical standards for automatic relay protection in the country, forming an industrial cluster covering 9 major links of “generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, use, dispatching, information and communication, comprehensive energy services, and power network security”. It is the largest number of smart grid enterprises and listed companies in the same level region in China.

Build a “peak” on the industrial “plateau”

Jiangning Development Zone will focus its attention on

A leading enterprise in the new power industry chain

NARI Group

At the event on the same day, NARI Group and Jiangning Development Zone signed a cooperation agreement to create “double 100 billion”, and the two sides will deepen the cooperation of the whole industrial chain, innovation chain and service chain.

  • Promote NARI Group to achieve the development goal of “100 billion” revenue by 2030 and become a world-class high-tech leader in energy Internet;
  • Promote Jiangning Development Zone to build a 100-billion-level NARI industrial ecosystem and build a strategic emerging industrial cluster with international competitiveness.

At present, all the 16 UHVDC transmission projects in China and the six major regional power grid system protection projects of the State Grid Corporation use the stability control system developed by Nanrui Group, and more than 80% of the dispatching agencies are using the dispatching control system developed by Nanrui. Guodian Nanrui 2023 annual financial report shows that the company achieved operating income of 51.573 billion yuan last year.

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