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Nanjing seventh in the country


Issued by China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development Research Institute

The 15th China Financial Center Index Report

(CDI CFCI 15) Display

As an authoritative financial center evaluation index in China, the 15th CDI CFCI uses an index system covering financial industry performance, financial institution strength, financial market size and financial ecological environment to objectively evaluate the comprehensive competitiveness of major financial center cities in the country, and Nanjing ranks among the top in a number of indicators.

In recent years

Nanjing will become an important financial center

As integration into the new development pattern

An important starting point to enhance the city’s primacy

The comprehensive competitiveness of the city’s financial industry has steadily improved and the main indicators of the financial industry have maintained rapid and healthy growth

Major indicators of the financial sector maintained rapid and healthy growth

As of the end of November 2023, the absolute amount of major financial indicators such as the balance of local and foreign currency deposits and loans, securities trading volume, and premium income of financial institutions in Nanjing ranks first in the province and top in the country, and it is expected that the annual added value of the financial industry will exceed 230 billion yuan.

The modern financial organization system has been further improved

Nanjing has gathered more than 1,100 market entities of various types of finance and new financial organizations, including 30 legal person financial institutions, basically forming a modern diversified financial organization system with banking, securities and insurance as the leading role and various new financial forms simultaneously.

Financial services to the real economy continued to increase

In 2023, Nanjing’s new loan balance exceeded 500 billion yuan, ranking first in the province that year; The municipal private enterprise loan fund realized 32.243 billion yuan of loan transfer in that year, and the fund’s cumulative loan transfer amount was 136.37 billion yuan, benefiting 11,800 private enterprises; Seven new listed companies were added, bringing the total number of listed companies to 161.

Regional financial openness and innovation made steady progress

In recent years, Nanjing has successively been approved as the capital market fintech innovation pilot, the science and technology financial reform pilot zone, the digital renminbi, and the regional equity market system and business innovation pilot. At present, Nanjing has more than 60 specialized organizations of various types of science and technology finance, set up 18 science and technology finance service stations, and launched more than 200 science and technology finance exclusive products; The city has 10 enterprises to obtain the QFLP pilot qualification, the cumulative application of pilot fund scale equivalent to more than 10 billion yuan.


High-quality financial development

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