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The first landing in the country, Jiangbei Jiangning Yingguo brand sub-center


Recently, a blockbuster news came – Jiangsu Province and the Ministry of Education signed a cooperation agreement to jointly build the first national university regional technology transfer and transformation center.

As the first national university regional technology transfer and transformation center, Nanjing and Suzhou will be the core bearing areas, and the first batch of three major industrial directions of biomedicine, information and communication, and advanced materials will be determined, and about 20 domestic universities will be selected to participate in the construction. The regional center will build an open and shared “one-stop” and “full-chain” public transformation platform, promote the “two-way travel” between universities and enterprises, and the deep integration of higher education and regional development, and strive to build a national pilot demonstration area for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities with rich industrial application scenarios, active innovation vitality, smooth transformation mechanism and open innovation ecology through about 5 years of efforts.

There are two sub-centers in each bearing area, of which the two sub-centers in Nanjing are the Nanjing Biomedical Sub-center in Jiangbei New Area and the Nanjing Information and Communication Sub-center in Jiangning District.

Jiangbei New Area
Nanjing Biomedical Sub-center

  • How to solve the problem of scientific research results from the laboratory to the production line, and promote the “two-way rush” between universities and enterprises? The establishment of the National University Regional Technology Transfer and Transformation Center is precisely for this consideration.
  • With the goal of serving the technology transfer and transformation in the field of biomedicine in universities across the country, the Nanjing Biomedical Sub-center will focus on promoting the transformation and agglomeration of R&D achievements in universities.
  • As the first national regional technology transfer and transformation center for universities, its mission is naturally extraordinary. In the future, how will the Nanjing Biomedical Sub-center be built?
  • It is understood that at present, the work of the sub-center is progressing in an orderly manner. Relying on industrial advantages, we will focus on key areas such as precision medicine and product innovation and creation, R&D and transformation of original innovative drugs, and R&D and transformation of high-end medical equipment, and make every effort to promote the acceleration of the agglomeration, transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in universities.
  • In order to respond to the demand of the industry and medical side for the R&D achievements of universities, the sub-center has collected the opinions of 42 experts from 27 universities inside and outside the province with experience in the field of achievement transformation in the field of biomedicine, sorted out the key points of the transformation of university achievements, and established a cross-departmental and multidisciplinary cross-research service team.
  • “The biomedical public service platform in the new area will also make every effort to support technology and transformation.” According to the relevant person in charge of the biomedical public service platform in the new area, focusing on the innovation and research and development of new drugs, the sub-center will further strengthen the foundation and core resource base of the existing technology platform, and build an open and shared platform system for the concept verification of scientific and technological achievements of universities and the maturation of pilot tests.
  • At the same time, it will further strengthen the investment guidance function of the fund, provide science and technology finance and professional services, and promote the smooth transformation of R&D results……
  • As the “source of living water” for the high-quality development of the regional economy, scientific and technological innovation has always been the focus of pursuit.
  • When the outstanding teams of leading universities, projects with transformation prospects, leading enterprises and optimal resource conditions converge in the new area, the scientific and technological innovation of colleges and universities will also bring a steady stream of support for industrial innovation.
  • Starting from the sub-center, innovation is “seamless” here, and this hot land is accelerating forward.

Jiangning District
Nanjing Information and Communication Sub-center

  • Combined with the advantages of industrial foundation, scientific and educational resources, business environment and other advantages, the information and communication sub-center of the regional technology transfer and transformation center of national universities has settled in Purple Mountain Science and Technology City, Jiangning District, focusing on the direction of the information and communication industry to carry out construction pilots, and build a “double center” for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities and the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents.
  • Purple Mountain Science and Technology City is a highland of industrial science and technology innovation with international influence built by Jiangning District, with innovative resources such as Purple Mountain Laboratory and Southeast University, and more than 3,000 business entities such as Guobo Electronics and Chinasoft International.
  • At present, Purple Mountain Science and Technology City is focusing on the development of aerospace economy, advanced communications, future networks, artificial intelligence and other industries, and strives to exceed 300 billion yuan in future industrial output value within five years, realizing the “three-dimensional” leap of “laboratory-industrial group-science and technology city”.
  • The information and communication sub-center of the National University Regional Technology Transfer and Transformation Center covers an area of 0.5 square kilometers and has a carrier of 187,000 square meters, including 107,000 square meters of transformation platforms and 80,000 square meters of incubation projects.
  • It will adhere to the principles of “the most advanced equipment, the most complete chain, the highest degree of aggregation, openness and sharing”, and carry out the construction of information and communication public technology service platforms, proof-of-concept centers, small and medium-sized test bases, R&D incubation and accelerators in comprehensive service areas, and strive to become a leading domestic and international platform for the transformation of information and communication achievements.

The settlement of the center in Nanjing is not only a great opportunity, but also a heavy responsibility. Nanjing will take the construction of a regional center as a breakthrough point, connect with the major strategic layout of national, regional and industrial development, strengthen the high-quality supply of scientific and technological innovation achievements and innovative and entrepreneurial talents, form an effective model for scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities to comprehensively support industrial innovation, and strongly support the construction of a modern industrial system.

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