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Mr. Yao Qizhi liked, what kind of factory is it?

Mr. Yao Qizhi

Recently, the 2024 Jiangsu Industry-University-Research Cooperation and Docking Conference with the theme of “Empowering New Quality Productivity with Science and Technology and Leading High-quality Development with Innovation” opened in Nanjing.

At the conference, Yao Qizhi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of Tsinghua University, made a keynote speech, pointing out the development trend and application mode of artificial intelligence, and affirmed the development foundation of artificial intelligence industry in Jiangsu Province and the exploration of Xuanwu District in Nanjing in related fields

Academician Yao Qizhi said that Jiangsu Province has a solid foundation in industry, policy, technology, science and education talents, innovation capabilities, etc., and how to efficiently combine the ability of large models with Jiangsu’s rich and diverse industrial scenarios to help Jiangsu’s industries improve quality and efficiency is the direction most worthy of Jiangsu’s consideration.

Jiangsu is also exploring this aspect, for example, Xuanwu District of Nanjing is building a “Xuanwu Large Model Factory”, and a team of artificial intelligence experts from Tsinghua University is deeply involved. Through a platform-based enterprise focusing on the application technology services of the large model industry, we will concentrate a number of cost-effective computing resources, cultivate and gather a group of talents focusing on the development and industrialization of vertical large models, and develop artificial intelligence algorithms, platform technologies and software engineering tools that reduce the threshold for the landing of large models, so that large models can change from “black technology” to “manufacturing” to empower all walks of life at low cost.

In particular, by focusing on the research and development of vertical models needed by key scenarios in Jiangsu, such as manufacturing and cross-border trade, we will create a number of benchmark application scenarios, accelerate industrial agglomeration and the landing of high-quality enterprises, and realize the “AI+” ecology with Jiangsu characteristics.

Xuanwu large model factory

The Xuanwu Large Model Factory, jointly built by Xuzhuang High-tech Zone and the artificial intelligence expert team of Tsinghua University, focuses on innovative research and development, computing power services, model development and operation, data application, ecological construction and other links in the field of artificial intelligence, aiming to deeply connect the capabilities of AI large models with Jiangsu’s rich and diverse industrial scenarios, promote the digital and intelligent transformation of thousands of industries, accelerate the implementation of the last mile of “artificial intelligence +”, and strive to build a highland for the development of artificial intelligence industry.

The large-scale model factory covers all aspects from upstream data provision to downstream model application and service requirements, and realizes the scale, modularization and intelligence of vertical industry model production with a complete tool chain and basic model, so as to support the rapid implementation of application scenarios. As a computing power provider, data provider, and basic large model integrator, it exports five major products and services to the downstream computing power and model demanders of the industrial chain.

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